
Les Mighty Ducks et les Senators ont eu recours à la production théâtrale et au divertissement professionnel sur glace pour se présenter à la ligue. C’est dommage que davantage d’équipes d’expansion des années 90 n’aient pas fait la même chose et ne se soient pas vraiment lancées. Les premières ouvertures de maisons n’ont pas lieu tous les jours.

Les Mighty Ducks et les Senators ont eu recours à la production théâtrale et au divertissement professionnel sur glace pour se présenter à la ligue. C’est dommage que davantage d’équipes d’expansion des années 90 n’aient pas fait la même chose et ne se soient pas vraiment lancées. Les premières ouvertures de maisons n’ont pas lieu tous les jours.



  1. NYLotteGiants

    I’ve watched parts of the Ducks video dozens of times, but I don’t think I’ve ever been physically able to handle the whole video at once.

  2. the__commandant

    Yeah I’m good if they never do this shit again lmao

  3. Don’t the Knights do giant theatrical productions often?

  4. Flyingchairs

    Just watched the Ducks one after seeing this post.It’s kind of funny how they had that candlestick character (Javier?) introduce the team for the first time. It wasn’t a main character or Mickey, just a slightly notable side character. Kind of funny to me for some reason

  5. KolhiiHead69

    The last time Ottawa tried to be theatrical, we got that fucking Spartan intro, which is probably the worst moment in franchise history.

    So I’m okay leaving the theatrics to the 90s and the Vegas Golden Knights.

  6. The_Next_Wild_GM

    Yeah… I’ll pass on that and glad I missed it. I’m good with music and a light show, like everywhere else

  7. Stillintherapy

    Ducks maligned. Knights stroked off.

  8. BartleBossy

    Sens fans know that opening trumpet is iconic

  9. GroundbreakingCow775

    Shame on Tampa Bay for not doing this.

    What may I ask did they get for spending their energy elsewhere?

  10. The Mighty Ducks got absolutely roasted for the theatrics. Teams still get roasted for it (Ottawa). Unless you go all the way into it like Vegas, a goofy ice show will always be just that.

  11. FakeTreverMoore12

    Why didn’t you show the part where Wildwing tried to jump through a ring of fire but just fell into the fire?

  12. Mendozozoza

    The ducks also had a Saturday morning cartoon show with their mascot as the leader of an alien hockey team

  13. I remember watching the Ducks spectacle live with my dad.

    He took a big sip of his beer and stated « this is a tragedy ».

  14. JustTheBeerLight

    Anaheim fired that ice guy after opening night. Anaheim also had their mascot Wildwing catch on fire during a pregame show. Maybe just play hockey?

  15. Impossible_Age_7595

    Bruins should hire a pro figure skater to be Blades and have them rapel down from the rafters through a flaming hoop to the song Black Betty by Ram Jam and flip onto the ice with some animation 1 fire at the end, “Bam a Lammmm”, because that would be sick

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