@Avalanche du Colorado

Bien que cela ne prenne pas vraiment en compte les choix échangés, cela constitue un fléau pour la capacité des Avs à rédiger en dehors du top 10.

Bien que cela ne prenne pas vraiment en compte les choix échangés, cela constitue un fléau pour la capacité des Avs à rédiger en dehors du top 10.



  1. EPLemonSqueezy

    Wow that’s seems pretty bad

  2. DomDomDom18

    I think this is where you can really tell who scouts well internationally – the CHL and other NA leagues are so heavily covered and more easily accessed, I’d be willing to bet (blindly) that the majority of the players making up these games come from overseas, who are probably seen quite a bit less and tougher to project.

    I’d be curious to learn what the philosophy is there for the Avs, because it hasn’t been working out too well. We hit big on the picks we really needed to hit on, and the pro scouts are excellent, but you need to find guys through the draft to keep the window open as a Cup contender.

  3. RMoysters33


  4. F4rtWaffles

    Cute infographic and all, but it’s not really pertinent to how the Avs built a Cup contender.

    More than one way to skin a cat.

  5. Shenanigans80h

    Weirdly antithetical to the Nuggets and Broncos path to success, funny enough.

  6. _redacteduser

    They forgot the “cups won” section

  7. briggch

    Unless the Avs have a #10 or better, their drafting has been complete garbage. Pure and simple.

  8. blondespikes22

    We know we suck outside the top 10 so at least we do the right thing trading away all the other picks 😂


    ^(We really do need to improve it though since our cap space is so low)

  9. Shukini

    Rough cause you don’t even get ROR cause it’s third round and up. Tyson Barrie is close to half those games too.

  10. bubuzayzee

    It’s only counting games played for the team that drafted them.. Johnny Liles played 836 games himself, and Barrie has played 767.

    Stupid Sakic, trading players to make the team better!

  11. EsKetchup

    Is that games played with the team that drafted them? Because that’s an important distinction.

  12. EastonMetsGuy

    Why draft third rounders good when top 10 picks work!! Lol

  13. daishi777

    And yet people lose their shit when I say we should trade all our draft picks for players

  14. 2BFrank69

    I knew the Canucks would be at the bottom. I thought they would be lower though.

  15. SteadyBulge

    Good free agent signings on veterans that worked in our system probably has something to do with this.

    Not great, but there are other factors at play.

    716 is super low though 😂😂

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