@Oilers d'Edmonton

Prédictions de points des Oilers d’Edmonton de Bob Stauffer | Aperçu de la saison des Oilers dans la LNH

Aujourd’hui, je regarde les prédictions publiées par Bob Stauffer en termes de score des Oilers d’Edmonton, et je regarde la régression qu’il attend des meilleurs joueurs de ligne. #Oilers d’Edmonton #Oilers #LNH


  1. Though I think (hope) that some of those totals will be higher, it's important to remember that while they might seem a tad low, they still, for the most part, represent a pretty darned good year for many of those players. I'm less concerned with individual numbers than I am with the date they clean out their lockers.

  2. First, I don't want people yelling at me for "Fat Shaming". Bob Stauffer has been candid about his weight and makes jokes about it so yes, I'm going to borrow some and pile on. He's been a staple in Edmonton sports and has earned a lot of respect over that time (and, I'm sure, some criticism).

    Bob Stauffer is the biggest voice for the Oilers because the only "Green" thing he's eaten is frog legs. He thinks Beef Jerky dipped in Mayo is a food group. He has his own gravimetric field. Furniture is cement blocks with a pillow (a BIG one) to provide comfort for his behind (which may or may not have hash marks to measure the distance)..

    Ignoring the above I think he is using conservative estimates which help the team look better when they blow past the numbers and there is always the possibility of injuries.

    In so far as Connor Brown goes it isn't realistic to think he's 100% including speed and timing. It will take some time. Our PTO's are in a similar situation. Hopefully they show well in camp and at the exhibition games.

    Oh, one last thing. If the Oilers hit Bob's numbers BUT are MUCH MUCH better defensively letting in far fewer goals isn't it worth it?

    Great vid as always. Take care all.

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