@Lightning de Tampa Bay

Après avoir lu l’article le plus récent de Wyshynski, j’ai eu une pensée…

Essayez-vous de réacquérir Corey Perry pour une autre série éliminatoire ? Ou cibleriez-vous un autre joueur pour combler un autre besoin ? Tout bien considéré, nous sommes dans une place en séries éliminatoires, l’espace plafond, la santé du joueur, le maintien du salaire, etc.



  1. -TheNew11-

    With all due respect, the man is washed

  2. Stamkosisinjured

    I’d rather get a solid 3rd line winger to push evvysimont down a line and have a solid forward core.

  3. FloridaB0B

    Maybe start the actual season first.
    And no, how do you see it work with the cap later this year ??

    Also, stop reading Puck Daddy.

  4. emwashe

    Pay Phil kessel in hotdogs and bring him here. His mom frequents the hard rock lol

    No clue if we could actually get him but i fucking love Phil.

  5. pdawgdavis-2

    He’s a decent checking forward, but our bottom six has some volume shooters (Eyssimont and Jeannot) and nobody who can get them the puck

  6. MrSCR23

    Eh, good guy but the bottom six needed an overhaul.

  7. Mythalium

    I’m honestly surprised Perry hasn’t retired yet

    Don’t know what hole Perry would fill in our roster that desperately needs his help

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