@Oilers d'Edmonton

Les Oilers d’Edmonton ONT BESOIN DE RÉSISTANCE, une prise de force/contrat de Nick Ritchie aiderait-elle ?

Nick Ritchie est un nom encore disponible sur le marché des agents libres, et compte tenu de sa taille, je me demande s’il pourrait aider le manque apparent de ténacité des Oilers. Discutons-en, Klim Kostin et Austin Watson dans l’édition d’aujourd’hui de la conférence des Oilers d’Edmonton sur Dolynny TV ! #EdmontonOilers #Oilers #NHL #Edmonton #NHLNews


  1. Ken Holland appears to have a problem with role players…..just go through the list of players he's traded away since he got here. 6'….180lbs. seems to be his ideal player….flyweights! Like it or not….the playoff winners all seem to be "heavy" teams…..

  2. Oilers need a tough 4th line C. aka Bugdstad. Ritchie is a winger. I think that during the regular season, the need for a policeman-type player is not as important as it is in the playoffs. I think come the trade deadline, if the oilers haven’t filled out that role and feel they need to fill that position, watch them try to make a deal with Coyotes to get Bugdstad.back

  3. I wouldn’t mind fok lol we need someone like him on the team, go oilers

  4. Many players have stepped up. Nuge who, compared to Nick Ritchie, is a skin covered toothpick (I mean physically) has fought (more than once). Kane. Nurse. If you ever tick off Leon you're planted and I doubt you'll be near the surface to grow and see the sun again. Connor and Leon are both laying a TON of hits out there and all of the other guys aren't feather tapping folks either. Hyman. Ekholm. There are a team worth of guys who will watch each others backs. They know that you let someone get away with something once it's hard to earn back the respect to prevent it happening a lot more often. Take care all.

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