@Devils du New Jersey

3 mois plus tard, le Trouba frappé sur Meier était-il propre ?

Maintenant que la poussière est retombée et que les choses sont plus calmes, je suis curieux de savoir ce que pense ce sous-marin. [this hit](https://youtu.be/OkVoAqaWbWY?si=kXFtw95v_bhn9WcE) de Trouba sur Meier

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  1. ScrewOff_

    3 months later Trouba is still a dirty talentless POS

    no, not clean, as are most of his hits.

  2. DawgMutt05

    F Trouba. 3 months later

    And F Aaron Rogers, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Susan Sarandon & every other NYR fan @ MSG one of those nights. 3 months later

  3. poHATEoes

    I think it was a grey area but more clean than dirty… I think the league should make a change about hits to the head in general. I don’t like seeing players get rocked knowing it cases problems later in life and at the end of the day it is a game.

    Timo learned a valuable lesson though, don’t cut down the middle with your head down because our own former captain Stevens would have hit him so much harder.

  4. DevilJacket2000

    Trouba can and always just get fucking wrecked. Fuck him.

  5. Finnegan7921

    Fuck no. Trouba is a POS. He went headhunting. He could just as easily have smashed Timo in the shoulder and sent him flying.

  6. Lanthemandragoran

    I hate it but I think it was a fairly clean hit. There’s a reason Timo shook his hand. You don’t go through center ice with your head down like that.

    Now – should the rules be changed to make that *not* a clean hit? Probably. Players brains are worth more than our excitement. But as the rules stand right now, it was a clean (if also vicious) hit.

  7. BaggySpandex

    Yes, and I would have fucking loved it if the roles were reversed.

    Trouba has questionable history, to say the least, but that hit needs to be in playoff hockey.

  8. TheBearJew963

    At the time I hated it. Called it dirty, and said Fuck Trouba (still say Fuck Trouba). But it’s playoff hockey. Unless we are gonna change how playoff hockey works, that’s a gray area clean-wish hit.

    Also, Scott Stevens would have done it (just look at Lindros and Kariya).

  9. Mandalore-44

    Clean! But rules should change, these freight train style hits need to go….

    Hits should stay in the game, but a monster hit where you’ve got the guy lined up for a good few seconds and you know you’re looking to catch him with his head down…..those should go!

    And I love all the legendary Stevens hits…..Kariya, Kozlov in 1995, the Big E of course…… but considering that those players got pretty fucked up, I think those hits should go!

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