@Blues de Saint-Louis

Le gardien de but le plus détesté du hockey

Jordan Binnington a déjà été salué comme le FUTUR des Blues de St. Louis après sa superbe saison ROOKIE et sa victoire à la Coupe Stanley ! De nos jours, Binnington a perdu son attitude « cool, calme et sereine » pour laquelle il était autrefois célèbre. Il a pris des libertés avec de nombreux joueurs de la Ligue dont Ilya Sorokin, Nazem Kadri et Marc-André Fleury. On peut dire sans se tromper qu’il est l’un des gardiens de but les PLUS méprisés de la LNH actuelle. Suivez-moi : https://twitter.com/earboyq https://www.instagram.com/earboysport/ https://www.tiktok.com/@earboysport #sports #hockey #shorts


  1. Tried to fight fleury I must not have seen it correctly then cuz what I saw was fleury skated all the way down the ice and tried to fight him

  2. I love hockey. This is the only sport where the tendies can get away with it

  3. Wait, blues fans thought that he was “cool” and “level headed” you do realize he punched someone in the back of the head that year, right?

  4. Nah we all saw through his whole chill dude act even in his rookie season

  5. If you watched hockey in the 20th Century, you'd know Binnington isn't anything new. Hextall and Belfour come to mind, but there were others.

    Binnington is a throwback.

  6. I love him its halarious to have a goalie absolutely fill his diaper and drag his team into total goon shit for no reason….bc goalie

  7. Me personally, Binnington is hilarious

    Sorta like the comedic relief in a hockey game, if that makes sense.

  8. I was watching the pens game when he hit Zucker. That was the best seeing Zucker get his revenge on him and the little shurg when Binnington tried talking smack to him while being pulled off the ice.

  9. he puts all his energy into this instead of being a good goalie

  10. I like when goalies play with an edge to their game, I like that style of play, Emery did it, Bryzgalov did…I think the game has become too pussifed I say let personalities be personalities!

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