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  1. Talk about Matthews and Nylander and the possibilities of their next contract having performance team bonuses to give them their increases. For example team playoff bonuses for winning playoff rounds.

  2. Marner should go. Willy is a better option at 8×9. Marner to Anaheim for McTavish and Drysdale.

  3. Cut Marner. We dont need regular season wizardry, we need a playoff leader

  4. At the start of next year they will have a different mix of players and won’t be as good

  5. Tre has done ok so far, he took over a team that already was going to have cap issues, and he is making some good moves. I agree Kampf was a overpay but thats not the end of the world,. I think Dubas moving on was unexpected, so i was epecting all the UFA players would be re-signed and they would be back with same group next season. so i am glad they have a new GM who is changing the make up of the team. I am surprised he kept Keefe on, maybe Keefe will do better with a different group. The best thing is the fact that team is getting a serious makeover,it had become pretty stale over the past couple of seasons.

  6. I'd let Nylander go. This isn't the first time this has happened. I don't think he is worth the money.

  7. Nylander for Schiefele straight up, both have contracts and both are forty goal scorers… Trade Brodie and Robertson for Dumba, also Matt Murray and a 2nd. pick for Hellebyck, the main thing to do here in trade NYLANDER!!!

  8. Nylander Domi and Bertuzzi are all bad defensively. They need to move one of those guys out for a winger that can be defensively responsible.

  9. The most important thing the leafs have to change is the dam hall and oats song they play after every goal

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