@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Les Maple Leafs ont tenté d’échanger William Nylander

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  1. I wouldn’t Trade Nylander unless it made Sense, and it has to take Toronto to the Next 2 Levels.

  2. Let’s Keep Nylander for now at least for the year. Then we either Sign him long Term or Trade him possibly.

  3. Your missing the real problem there DEFENCE IS SOFT and SORRY YOU NEED A TOP GOALIE WINNIPEG HAS ONE UP FOR GRABS .

  4. I must live in the twilight zone. For 80% of the time Nylander has been here fans have wanted him traded for being a peripheral player. So the majority of the time he has been here is that many fans believe he has been paid too much. To me Leaf's dangling Nylander just means if we can get what we want and Nylander agrees then Leaf will complete the trade. Leafs know what they want for him. Nothing wrong with that. They just better be right.

  5. I really hope they move Nylander and Brodie so they have cap room and go after a real 1st pair defense partner that pairs better with Rielly .And also some secondary scoring or a good 2nd center allowing room to put Tavares on wing possibly. People do not think about the fact that even without Nylander the players we added and Knies will add more points then the players we lost.

  6. I hope this contract finds a way to get done before the season starts because am sure the team doesn't want to here about it all season long and as a fan I know I don't want to hear it either

  7. Well they have to trade players somehow to get under cap, and Nylander is the bait at the moment, possibly with TJ Brodie also being traded. What Leafs are expendable to be out there for trades and still make a good team and be above cap? Also what are the 10 team NTL for Nylander?

  8. If you could trade Nylander for a young center too take over Tavares and move him to the wing and a some better players for the 3rd line so we’re getting more scoring there

  9. If I had to trade one of the core 4, it would be Marner. In the playoffs, teams know that if you stop Marner, then you stop Matthews.

  10. I believe that Nylander's agent will talk with him and that he should take that 8y deal.

    After that Matthews contract i don't think Nylander will take anything much under 11M if that extension is from Leafs. He was paid 4M less than that other big 3 and he was not that much behind those 3 in points in the last couple of seasons and in those about 50 games Leafs have played in the playoffs with those players.

    I believe that the most likely Leafs will keep him and before or at the draft we will see sign and trade or just his rights moved so the new team can start talking with him about that 8y contract.

  11. When your core pieces are 25-26 years old and you have a few young players like Knies Niemela to inject into your roster you just don’t use Nylander as a “rental” and let him walk for absolutely nothing…
    Look for a useful player that has a style of play that could be more conducive to playoff hockey and keep the cap room.. it’s a marathon, not a sprint

  12. Not nessisarily true, most teams have tied up their cap space. At this point, I believe a deal gets done. But in the unlikely hood a deal is out of reach by atleast December. they have to explore a trade by to the deadline. Own rental(dumbest term in hockey) is not an option. Leafs need the assets to either flip for another player with term. Or for assets that allow the team to draft and develope in order to continue making the playoffs. His nonchalant attitude towards getting a deal done while still asking for top dollar, has the potential to create a major distraction. Not saying he has to take a discount, but if he's unwilling to meet in the middle ( same goes for leafs) then trade is the only option as I don't believe he'll settle and the leafs will watch another player walk for nothing. This time a young still in his prime 40 goal winger. Which defeats the purpose of bring in Treliving, which was to avoid this worst case scenario. Getting a deal done sooner than later whether it be a trade or signing. is best for nylander and the leafs going forward

  13. Nylander is a good player but not worth more than $8.5M/yr on a 4/5yr deal max. You don't want to sign him for 7/8yrs, he's 27 now and those later years in a long contract can comeback to bite you. Deal him for a top 4D..haven't we learned that this core 5 not 4 needs to be broken up, the Leafs need another solid Dman more than another soft forward with term.

  14. Everyone craps on Nylander but thinks he can bring in a top shutdown dman or a centre.

  15. The goal should be to keep him unless a equally good defenseman within a year of his age joins the market, which i really just cant picture happening. Otherwise run him through the year and hope he resigns. If not, thats why they signed Bert and Domi two solid wingers, while not on Willy's level, at least make up a large chunk of his production while also wanting to stay in Toronto, likely for less money allowing you to spend more on your #4-6 defensemen hoping depth can get you over the top.

    It's better to keep Willy obviously, but frankly it's up to him at this point.

  16. This guy u=is a gamer. He shows up at the right time, the playoffs. while the rest of the team vanishes. I would have rather traded Marner and kept Nylander.

  17. I hope you do get to have this show as your main job. You're one of the few "young" Leafs pod-sters who know what they're talking about. So many don't actually "get" how hockey works.

  18. Aho got 9.5. Nylander is not the terrific two way player Aho is. Aho is ranked in the top 35 players lists every year.
    Nylander still sits outside the top 50.

  19. This is first year actually played well in every playoff game.
    The prior year he was beyond pathetic for the first three games. It wasn't until he refused to go in the corner and then backpedaled like a scared school boy in a confrontation with Foote, that he actually decided to play.
    The first year of his contract, he had the worst contract in hockey. A pathetic seven goals and even worse in the playoffs.
    I personally want a player who gives it all on defence than floating Willy.

  20. Thanks for making great content. I do not have the best hockey knowledge but he helps me better understand what's going on in the NHL world.

  21. Let me guess. They tried to trade him and no one else really wants him that much.

  22. If you you are considered an impact player and you are mixed in with 3 other so called impact players and with those players after 4 years you still cant win a Stanley Cup then maybe they are not as impactful as you would think those damb no movement clauses screw over more teams now than they ever did again how many 10 million dollar no movement clauses are on the Vegas team and yet they are the champions impact players have to have heart and I see none of that on Toronto yes lots of flash plenty of dash but after four years where has that got them bring back the heart and soul play because you love it not because you love lots of money yes money is the inspiration to win but not lose your shirt every year and gain nothing for the fans remember who buys the tickets I bet if that stopped things would change in a hurry.

  23. Florida 'destroyed' Toronto in round 2? Really Andrew? What's with the inaccurate hyperbolic assessment of the series? Game 1. 4-2 win for Florida, out-shot & out-hit by Toronto. Game 2. 3-2 win for Florida & again out-shot, out-hit by Toronto where Toronto's O-zone time was double Florida's. Maurice's game 2 assessment……"Bob stole a game we had no business winning". Game 3. was a 3-2 OT win by Florida & Toronto basically sucked in a 'must win' game. The SOG were close to even & the hits were even. Game 4. 2-1 win for Toronto with SOG even & Toronto out-hitting Florida. Game 5. 3-2 OT win for Florida in a game they were completely outplayed, just like game 2. 63 hits for the Leafs + 52 SOG along with 2 posts & 1 crossbar.

    'Bob' a red hot goalie, who didn't even start the playoffs for the Panthers, was the primary reason for the upset, together with some poorly timed careless play by Toronto & opportunistic scoring by Florida. 14 goals for Florida & 10 for Toronto. Toronto out-shot & out-hit Florida in 4 of the 5 games. 4 games were decided by 1 goal & 2 of them in OT, so how do you get "Florida destroyed Toronto" out of that? I know you watched the games, so WTF with using the word "destroyed"? Trying for a reaction? Mission accomplished.

    Quick note: Tavares has a 'no move' clause. Marner had a 'no move' clause kick in July 1st for the last 2 years of his 6 year RFA deal. Matthews had a 'no move' clause commence July 1st for the last year of his RFA contract & his new 4 year extension has a full 'no move' clause. That means the Leafs need the permission & agreement of the player to move them, not 'trade' them, 'move' them. You can't even send them to the minors without their agreement with a 'no move'. The only remedy a coach has is to bench the player, or healthy scratch them.

  24. I bet Brad Treliving wishes he could apply that Manscaped 20% discount to take care of his Willy.

  25. I'm not sure I would frame this a "tried to" as much as explored. Tried to IMO implies they wanted to move him but couldn't. This to me sounds like due diligence for a guy you're not totally certain at the moment you can get re-signed. I agree with your conclusions however that this does indicate they're prepared to move him if they have to. This all said, I don't think there would be any shortage of teams willing to trade for Nylander, and probably many that are not on his 10 team list, the problem is they will want to get that extension done, which Willy may not be in a hurry to do. Anything discussed this summer between the Leafs and other teams probably was reflective of the fact he's a rental as it currently stands. I really hope we get a deal done to keep him here long term.

  26. This sounds something like the Dubois scenario. He probably walks if they don’t get something for him. Nylander is worth a hell of a lot more than 6.9! He’s been on a discount for a few years and put up the same numbers as Matthews last year who the Leafs opened the vault to. I can’t blame him for sticking to what he thinks he’s worth, just like Matthews did.

  27. Leafs' biggest mistake was trading Kadri for nothing and then signing Tavares. This is what caused this whole salary cap mess, including the high contract given to Mathews and Marner.

  28. I really hope you make it as a full time content creator, I always love your videos. I think Brad kicked the tires on trading Nylander, but I dont think he found a trade that improves the team enough (yes, Marner has a full NMC) and decided (at least for now) to not make a change just for the sake of making a change. Im torn on this, you do lose in the immediate short term any Nylander trade, BUT, you'd think Trev would have learned from last year in Calgary and he's in an even worse position this time around since he's gonna be a UFA. I think if he's not signed by training camp, they really need to seriously consider taking the best offer for him, they cant risk losing him for nothing. Its not like the Leafs cant afford to lose a bit of offence on the 2nd line especially with what they added in free agency this offseason. If Im Brad Im going to Nylander and saying "ok, you want 10M? we want 8 years. You want 3-5 years? We can do 8.5M, take one of those offers or give us your 10 teams you wont go to.

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