@Kings de Los Angeles

Match en plein air des Kings de Los Angeles contre les Rangers de New York 1991 à Las Vegas Caesars Palace

Faits saillants du match extérieur de 1991 entre les Kings de Los Angeles de Wayne Gretzky et les Rangers de New York au Caesars Palace de Las Vegas. TÉLÉCHARGER SHNARPED : http://www.shnarped.com L’application Shnarped vous aide à suivre tous vos joueurs de hockey préférés, professionnels, juniors et universitaires. Recevez toutes les actualités et faits marquants dont vous avez besoin et connectez-vous avec plus de 800 professionnels à l’aide de l’application. Consultez-nous sur http://www.twitter.com/shnarped et http://www.facebook.com/shnarped


  1. LOL with the HRUDEY cam and having to have wires in his pants. How technology has advanced only 2 decades after!

  2. I was at this game. Still have the ticket stub and the entire game I taped on VHS. Also was lucky enough to have Wayne Gretzky sign my Las Vegas Visitors Guide Magazine that features him on the front cover that same night just as he entered the arena getting ready for the game. Still have it. I wonder how much that would be worth today?

  3. The big delay at the Lake Tahoe game between Vegas and Colorado reminded me of this. Guess Vegas and outdoor hockey just don't mix when it comes to ice conditions

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