@Kings de Los Angeles

Les Kings de Los Angeles ont poignardé Jonathan Quick dans le dos avec ça… 🙄

ÉCOUTEZ L’ÉPISODE COMPLET ► https://linktr.ee/SlanginTheBizkit


  1. But he had an abysmal save % and has been consistently poor for the last few seasons… Just because he won championships years ago doesn't mean he should be the keeper in 2023. Sorry but we needed something new

  2. As a kings fan I am furious they traded him. It gonna cost us in the playoffs bcs he always shows up in the playoffs. He won a freaking cup on a broken hand after an all game 7 playoff run. The GOAT
    Korpisalo is coming up huge in the playoffs, he has been saving our asses, maybe they knew what they were doing, Quickie is getting a little old. I still think he was one of the best goalies tho, def a hall of famer. I hope he can at least retire his jersey in LA

  3. And he won a cup by literally doing nothing in the playoffs. Lol
    I think he’s doing ok

  4. They did Quick dirty after winning you a Cup (basically by himself in 2012)

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