@Bruins de Boston

Cet échange serait génial pour les Bruins…

Les Sénateurs d’Ottawa sont aux prises avec des problèmes de plafond salarial et ont peu de marge pour conclure des accords. Est-ce qu’échanger Shane Pinto aux Bruins de Boston aurait du sens ? Faites-moi part de vos réflexions ci-dessous ! Discord : https://discord.gg/VmsHpTCGHy Patreon : patreon.com/user?u=84783219 Prix de 1 200 $ USD pour le vainqueur de la ligue sans FRAIS D’ENTRÉE Ligue EASHL 6 : https://discord.gg/fSBU8FTW59 Podcast TSP : https : //www.youtube.com/c/TalkinSht #NHL #hockey #nhlhighlights #ottawasenators #senators #bostonbruins #nhlbruins


  1. trading for pinto make a lot of sense if u trade beacher or lysell for pinto, if the trade doesnt work out then u dont loose much and you could still get a 1c next year in free agency if u need to so to me i would do it.

  2. Lysell for pinto will not go in our favor, I know Lysell didn’t have a great year last year but he dealt with injuries, I’ve watched him so many times now in the minors and ahl and he has an elite skill set for his age, fast, shifty, strong skater, and a great shot, and if the bruins would give a prospect like him a chance for once in our history then he will be solid a top 6. But Beecher for pinto is perfect for both teams, Beecher gets the nhl opportunities that he’s wanted and proly won’t get on Boston, and we get a solid young center

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