@Penguins de Pittsburgh

Photo quotidienne des pingouins de DK : affrontez Zohorna contre Carter !

La bataille la plus impressionnante du camp d’entraînement sera sans aucun doute Radim Zohorna contre Jeff Carter, n’est-ce pas ? #LetsGoPens #PittsburghPenguins #NHL Écoutez Daily Shots of Penguins du chroniqueur primé Dejan Kovacevic tous les matins de la semaine ! Et beaucoup plus! ABONNEZ-VOUS ► https://youtube.com/@DKPittsburghSportsPenguins ADHÉSIONS À LA CHAÎNE ► https://DKPS.net/join APPS ► https://dkps.net/apple | https://dkps.net/android SITE WEB ► http://dkpittsburghsports.com PODCASTS ► https://linktr.ee/dkpghsports FACEBOOK ► https://www.facebook.com/DKPittsburghSports/ THREADS ► https://www .threads.net/@dkpghsports INSTAGRAM ► https://www.instagram.com/dkpghsports/ X ► https://x.com/DKPghSports Dejan Kovacevic sur X ► https://x.com/Dejan_Kovacevic À PROPOS DE NOUS ► DK Pittsburgh Sports est une entreprise fière, pionnière et entièrement indépendante lancée en 2014 par le chroniqueur primé Dejan Kovacevic et mettant en vedette une équipe professionnelle couvrant les Steelers, les Penguins et les Pirates toute l’année et partout où ils vont ! C’est ici que tout a commencé!


  1. DK. as a torontonian, I can tell you that this kind of irreverent comment is common in the city and fan base. Remember that Dubas grey up there and cut his teeth in the province.

  2. Hopefully Carter is picking out some new suits to wear in the healthy scratch press box.

  3. Dk that's funny you mentioned zohorna. I wrote on another mb a few weeks ago that he is my dark horse to make the team.

  4. Big fan of Zahorna. Hated when he was claimed off waivers. The Zahorna-Boyle-Blueger fourth line was criminally underrated.

  5. I think what we'll probably see is Carter being scratched so often this season that he'll accept a trade before the deadline to any team just so he doesn't go out that way. I mean, at this point he's just as big a waste on the 4th line as he would be on the 1st. I think he'd much rather actually play for any team, than retire on the bench as a Penguin if given the option. If they can get a team who'll take on his prorated cap space for the rest of the season for a low pick or long shot prospect, then they could really use his salary to sign a player that could help them, even if it's a rental. Who knows what that may be by mid-season.

  6. If this was going to be a thing it would have already been a thing. Sullivan isn't going to bench Carter, and Carter will continue to sink the bottom 6.

  7. It's really not that outrageous for Dubas to play the "Crosby, etc. has got something to prove" card. I've heard prominent local sports personalities for years now make the case that most of the core should have been traded away five years ago, when their value was still substantial, in order to build a new, younger nucleus around Crosby. The organization obviously didn't do that, though some reports said it might have initially been a directive for Hextall, that the new ownership rescinded once they realized what it would do to ticket sales. Instead, they went full speed ahead with the existing core, and nobody could have predicted they would have eventually ended up adding a fourth potential HOF'er in Karlsson to the lineup. The comments about the team being stale didn't just apply to the bottom six, either, no matter what the stats were for the core. Pointing to stats from last season certainly doesn't translate to similar production the following season, for any number of reasons, but especially due to age, or injury. Dubas' job is to get the most possible out of his aging core, without knowing exactly when those skills will substantially diminish, and so it seems to me that playing the Dangerfield card is part of that.

  8. Toronto media. Tsn just had a whole tidbit on the penguins not being a serious contender. The doubt is everywhere 😆

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