@Canucks de Vancouver

Frank Corrado sur ses relations avec Mike Babcock à Toronto, Hughes en tant que capitaine des Canucks, Young Stars

Frank Corrado s’arrête avec ses expériences de jeu pour Mike Babcock, ses réflexions sur la nomination de Quinn Hughes capitaine des Canucks et ses souvenirs de participation au tournoi Young Stars. Présenté par Jason.Mortgage (https://lnk.to/JasonMortgage) Écoutez et abonnez-vous au podcast : https://lnk.to/SP641 Envoyez-nous vos commentaires par SMS : 778-402-9680 🔗 : https://linktr. ee/SekeresAndPrice https://www.sekeresandprice.com/ https://www.rinkwidevancouver.com https://www.gogoatsports.com/ #Canucks #VancouverCanucks #NHL #Hockey


  1. Frank Corrado is so genuine. I have all the time in the world listening to him. Congrats to you guys S&P for having him on your side.

  2. Love hearing Frank Corrado speak genuinely. And from a real pro. Not enough of this kinda stuff today. Thank you! Tired of analysts who’ve never played pro but think they are and talk down to others.

  3. Frank is a card. What a great Dude. Honest, funny, entertaining. I love the guy. I could listen to him all day. He's also surprisingly down to earth and humble. His wife is lucky to have him.

  4. Wow Frank is 30 years old and so wise beyond his years. Incredible well-spoken and articulate which definitely defies the hockey player stereotype

  5. Stop this topic its so dumb why are we supposed to care ? Sounds like Babcock was trying to be a better guy and it failed. Now you media guys are jumping down his throat. If Columbus's season is in jeopardy because of this its all the Canadian media's fault.

  6. That "you're hitting way out of your league there" comment made me finally realize exactly the kind of person Babs is. I've known a couple of people like this and they think they are funny, but because they are socially so awkward, they don't know how to execute jokes. You just cringe at their words, because you feel ashamed for what they just said. It doesn't mean they are bad people, they just have a low EQ.

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