@Blues de Saint-Louis

Aperçu de la saison 2023-24 des St Louis Blues

Aperçu de la saison 2023-24 des Blues de St Louis La saison régulière 2023-34 de la LNH est presque prête à commencer. Aujourd’hui, nous avons un aperçu des St Louis Blues. Nous discutons des ajouts, soustractions et prédictions pour les saisons à venir. Les Blues de St Louis échangent des rumeurs, les meilleurs espoirs des Blues de St Louis et le repêchage 2023 de la LNH. Restez à l’écoute de Top Shelf Hockey pour toutes les dernières rumeurs commerciales de la LNH 2022, les rumeurs commerciales de la LNH, les discussions commerciales de la LNH, les rumeurs de la LNH, les agents libres de la LNH 2022 et les actualités de la LNH. Sponsors de hockey de premier plan et liens d’affiliation : Ekster Smart Wallets : https://ekster.com?sca_ref=843305.Mq1aDswV54 Lien d’adhésion YouTube TSH : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJC4kuBvrghSABumDSwl80A/rejoignez la boutique de produits dérivés TSH : https ://shop.spreadshirt.com/top-shelf-hockey Rejoignez TSH sur Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/topshelfhockey Page d’influenceur TSH Amazon : https://www.amazon.ca/shop/topshelfhockey?isVisitor = vrais liens vers les réseaux sociaux : Twitter : https://twitter.com/topshelfhkyvids Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/topshelfhockeyvideos Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/topshelfhockeyvideos Merci aux membres de la chaîne suivants ou Super merci Dons pour leur soutien : Robert Dufour Teddy Robinson Jerard Fagerberg Jesse Arnold SJSTerritory🦈 Harris Skelliter Mark Allred Alex Paul Auger Andy H Ryan B Dan Ortiz Kevin Shea Abonnez-vous ici : https://www.youtube.com/topshelfhockey Musique utilisée dans ce vidéo : « Echoes » Disponible dans la bibliothèque audio YouTube « Muriel » par Bobby Richards Disponible dans la bibliothèque audio YouTube Vignette vidéo créée avec https://www.canva.com


  1. Boy, oh, boy, it really pains me to say that the Blues just don't look like a playoff contender to me–in fact, I would expect them to be about the same as last season, a .500 team out of the playoffs. Binnington has been regressing each season since the 2019 Stanley Cup win, and, as long as he's the starter, they will remain the same, —Kevin Hayes is a good addition but not nearly enough to alter this teams' immediate future. IMHO, the Blues are hoping for comeback seasons from pretty much everyone on the roster…..and sadly,I don't see that happenning with this group—I and the other Blues fans are in for a long season. Thanks for confirming my beliefs about the team–the PK was absolutely abysmal and I don't see it getting better.

  2. The goal this year isn't to win the cup. I wish it was, but army is very patient. I think in a couple years we will be contending

  3. Man it's hard to listen to someone who doesn't know what he's talking about. You said there's only one change in the lineup but also mention all the trades at the deadline like those additions were there all year. You fail to mention Sunny as an addition which is huge seeing as our PK was horrendous without him. Krug is hurt so they are definitely giving Perunovich a good hard look if he can stay healthy.

    This will be the year where we will findout what Binnington is made of. With Van Ryan being released hopefully it was just bad coaching. Paraykos had been digressing every year Van Ryan was there. But only time will tell if it's the players or the coach that was the problem.

    The west is weak and the Blues are a wildcard team or will be competing for it.would be surprised for them to finish from 14 to 18ish range. So better then last year but not by much.

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