@Red Wings de Détroit

Fil de discussion générale quotidien (20/09/2023)

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  1. Danengel32

    Injuries do and will happen, but I will say that I like the teams health profile going into the year. I feel like a lot of the roster, especially the key guys (top few lines & pairs) have minimal injury histories, and outside of Fabbri, there aren’t really any guys that always seem to be injured (but I wouldn’t count him as a top 6 guy). Not really a shot at a few former players, but I like that there isn’t a guy or two in the top 6 that we’re constantly saying “can’t wait to see a full season from him” about. Now this could all end up being moot because it’s hockey and you should always count on a bunch of injuries happening

  2. Skower101

    Happy hump day dudes and dudettes, one day closer to hockey season

  3. elvishblood_24

    I think ive been breathing wrong my entire life

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