@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Il semble avoir le cœur brisé à l’idée que Tampa fasse ça…

#nhl #highlights #nhlnews Les faits saillants de la LNH aujourd’hui du camp d’entraînement 2023 en commençant par des interviews et il y a eu BEAUCOUP de moments juteux, celui-ci étant le plus fascinant. Restez à l’écoute cette saison 2023-24 de la LNH pour les nouvelles quotidiennes sur le hockey et les rumeurs commerciales ainsi que pour la pré-saison 2023 de la LNH et les camps d’entraînement après les matchs du tournoi des espoirs de la LNH et le camp des recrues. La grande nouvelle de la semaine dans la LNH est la situation des Blue Jackets de Columbus de Mike Babcock, mais maintenant que cela est derrière nous, les interviews de la journée des médias du camp d’entraînement de la LNH, les rumeurs commerciales de la LNH domineront avant le début des matchs. Steven Stamkos interviewe le Lightning de Tampa Bay les Maple Leafs de Toronto les Canadiens de Montréal les Bruins de Boston constitueront une partie importante de la couverture médiatique cette saison. LNH 2023


  1. If I were the bolts, I would do maybe 3 more years for stammer for $21 million ($7 million a year). So the lightning can stay competitive and give stamkos the ability to retire with only one team plus stammer once that happens will be right up there with some of the all time greats with goal scoring totals given the pure goal scorer the 2nd best of his generation. He also captained the team to 4 cup finals in less than a decade creating a dynasty from 2015-2023 as a result. I mean this is something we might never see again from the Lightning so they really need to make an aggressive effort to make sure they keep him. Or at least tell him what you thinking and compare and contrast the similarities and differences between both parties. Its kinda crazy that they are using the word "replace" too I mean no one can replace stamkos. Dude is one of the biggest faces of his generation like Ovi, Crosby, the Sedin twins, Kane, Bergeron, etc

  2. WELCOME TO TORONTO STAMMER 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  3. Big kick in the teeth! I really don’t like the lightning but he has been the Franchise
    For years! I take him on my team any day!

  4. This is a huge Nothing Burger. He’s going nowhere…..just like all the media BS on his last contract. He was going to Toronto, & every other team.

  5. Gretzky was traded. Nobody is owed more than their contract. Vegas ruthlessness is the new NHL

  6. Totally agree, Brisebois is trying to wait and see if Stammer gets hurt (bringing his price down) or if someone can replace him. In my opinion, totally insulting to a guy that has bled blue and white, brought two cups and is a future first ballot hall of famer.

  7. He’s going to Chicago. I have a friend that walks stammers neighbors dog once a week.

  8. I think The manager was talking about the new guys replacing depth not stammer

  9. They should have kept Marchessault and Verhaeghe years ago but were cash strapped. They knew those guy were going to be good. Who's a big contract you can cut? Stammer. You're not getting rid of Kuch, Point, Heddy or Vazy.

  10. Tampa Bay don’t owe him anything.They paid him 98 million dollars for his services..enough said…

  11. He is definitely our best player ever, and it really hurts to hear how management is treating his contract situation. Depending on what they do about this situation, I might not be a lightning fan for much longer. Not impressed about how they're treating our captain.

  12. tampa has 9 forwards, 5 dmen and 2 goalies signed for next year already.
    12.3 mill in cap space should be able to get you stamkos and a few scrubs to fill out the bottom of the roster….
    stammer get 3 years 9.5mil.
    a couple 4th liners and a 6th Dman cant cost more than 2.8mill…

  13. Brutal. Definitely see him going to Toronto. Tampa willing to pay Hagel 6mil but not stammer 9mil. Yeah, that's not going to go down well with stammer. Huge red flag. No way a player of his caliber signs for less then 6mil. Joe Pavelski went to Dallas to win and he is older… as we seen malkin and Letang extand for MORE THEN FAIR. If Matthew's can get 13. Stammer can get 14

  14. I took a different approach from the statements. Stammer is disappointed. Yeah. Got it. Tampa is trying to see what will be out there as they said, in order to keep him there and maintain a playoff capable team. They aren’t looking to rebuild, only reload. I am betting they will likely be a player trying to lure Reinhardt from Fla. if the Panthers don’t make a good offer to him as well. There are numerous pieces of the FA puzzle here. I think TB is letting it play out before talking numbers.

  15. Brisebois is a smart GM. He's gotta see how the pieces fit to know how much he can spend on Stammer. It's not about emotion, it's about strategy.

  16. Gretzky was traded, played for multiple teams. If he doesn't get what he wants in Tampa, there are 31 other teams waiting with a bigger contract and probably a better shot at another cup. I get not wanting to move, and loving the city that you are in, but the NHL has always been a business, and sentimentality only works when you're winning. Chicago was too sentimental with Toews and Kane, and look where it got them. And don't come at me saying "we got Bedard"….well, yeah, last place teams get the best pick, but who is going to pass him the puck?

  17. I understand we're here to talk hockey, but I don't think it's okay to simply toss out the "Who wouldn't want to live in Florida" notion in 2023.

    The people narrowly elected a completely deranged, power hungry lunatic and he's destroying the state. Stoking racism, banning books, ignoring covid deaths, banning reproductive health choices, acting like he's a king when he won by 30,000 votes. Guns flooding the streets, denying climate change, the real estate market is about to crash due to home owner's insurance.

    So yeah, A LOT of people don't want to live in Florida. It's a mess because naive people voted for an inept, vengeful, narcissitic scumbag.

    With the extreme actions of the guy, plus the GOP at large in FL, you can't keep politics out of sports, or any part of life. Florida isn't so sunny AT ALL to anyone paying a bit of attention.

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