@Flames de Calgary

Friedman dans 32 réflexions : Les flammes « parlent ». Il pense que Backlund a indiqué qu’il était prêt à rester. Il croit que les Flames ont dit à Backlund que si un accord était conclu, il serait capitaine.

Friedman dans 32 réflexions : Les flammes « parlent ». Il pense que Backlund a indiqué qu’il était prêt à rester. Il croit que les Flames ont dit à Backlund que si un accord était conclu, il serait capitaine.



  1. monstermash420

    I’m soured on Backlund, he was ready to turn tail and now he’s on the verge of becoming captain? Not into it.

  2. DevoidAxis

    Yeah, times have changed. We shouldn’t have to bait guys to be over priced, long term. Let’s refresh and retool.

  3. Paulhockey77

    I still hope andersson ends up with the C

  4. Chemical_Signal2753

    From what we heard earlier in the summer, Backlund wanted more term than the Flames were offering. If he is willing to take a short term (2 year) relatively team friendly ($4 million) deal I think he would be a good signing.

  5. lastlatvian

    Even in Zads interview, he calls Backs the Captain.

  6. flyin_italian

    I’m okay with this.

    We all know he was supposed to be captain last year had satan incarnate not been coach.

    If his contract is fair, I’m not quite sure what else people want?

    In terms of current players who bleed Calgary Flames, he’s probably on a list of 1. You can’t blame backs for being stung by last year and voicing frustration – all fans knew he got the shaft.

  7. treple13

    I remember when he signed his last deal people were complaining that it was too long and he proved them wrong. His game seems to be aging well. I really want to keep him

  8. iggyisgoat

    I feel like when Friedman mentions things like so specifically and says to keep an eye on it it’s because he’s fairly certain it’s gonna happen. He rarely puts info out there like this that he isn’t sure of.

  9. Pucka1

    FFS Backlund will be 35 at the end of this contract. I get and appreciate everything he’s done for the team however he will be a 3rd or 4th line centre for this contract. Anything more than 2 years @ 2.5 will be atrocious. If he doesn’t like it let him go as a free agent and see how he does. I’d be surprised if he got a better offer as a 35 year old hitting the market.

    We can’t keep over paying players to stay when they want to go.

    I’d tell him « look 2 years at 2.5 is the best I’m willing to do, Try free agency and see if you can do better, I’ll leave this offer open until December 1 otherwise I’ll be looking to trade you to maximize the asset ».

  10. MonkeySailor

    Backlund retiring a Flame is how it should be. I hope it happens.

  11. Brodstar18

    The leverage is very un captain material.

    Love backs but fuck off

  12. xLostx77

    People in this thread acting like they’ve never wanted to quit their job after a rough stretch or something go down with their boss. He’s not looking to sign a 10 year contract, if he signs on for another 2-3 and is given the deserved captaincy then it’s all good to me. A literal forever Flame and someone who has actually tried/shown up in the playoffs, yeah fuck this guy /s

  13. gr8d4ne

    Makes sense, how could this not be the only reason they haven’t announced the captain yet?

  14. HelRayzer12

    As he should be, he’s been the most loyal Flame for years and he’s deserved the role.

  15. MartyCool403

    Well I still need to replace my Tkachuk jersey so maybe I’ll get a Backlund one with a C if he signs a new contract

  16. Chronixx

    I figured it would have been Weegar or Andersson but I’m all in on this

  17. Comfortable-Lock-726

    Nazem Kadri deserves to be captain

  18. AnxiousArtichoke7981

    Word was he and Sutter went head to head in front of the team more than a few times. He stood up for all his teammates. This guy has invaluable leadership and absolutely deserves the C.

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