@Canadiens de Montréal

Si vous êtes en vie et que le Tricolore gagne une coupe Stanley. Quelle est la première chose que vous faites ?

Si vous êtes en vie et que le Tricolore gagne une coupe Stanley. Quelle est la première chose que vous faites ?



  1. powlow88

    To quote the great Patrick Roy,”I’m Going to Disney’s land!”

  2. Bytrsweet

    Find something to wipe the tears from my eyes.

  3. Shed tears of joy! I’ll be grateful for a Cup in the 32 team era!

  4. jimhabfan

    Post a video of the celebration on r/leafs.

  5. Article241

    Younger generations might have forgotten, but older Habs fans know the first thing to do is to riot, as per tradition.

  6. I was very lucky to be 8 when the Habs won, or any canadien team, won the cup.

  7. Tell everyone that we won every single time hockey is mentioned until i die

  8. Grouchy-Bug5223

    I probably get blackout drunk and have a one man parade on my street lol

  9. GoogleyCube

    Buy the next flight to Montreal and visit the old forum

  10. FakeCrash

    Take the metro to Peel and walk down Stanley Street.

    I figure the epicenter of celebrations would be around the Bell Center, but it seems fitting.

  11. JohnyZoom

    Get drunk and eat chicken fingers. The good kind. 8 bucks

  12. Ghost_Idol

    Breaking some windows and burning cars while singing We are the champions

  13. JPMoney81

    I jumped up and down in joy and my dad, who was a huge Gretzky fan, told me to go to bed because it was late and I was 12.
    I snuck downstairs and turned on our other TV, twisted the rabbit ears around to get the reception really clear and continued to watch the entire celebration.

    I remember crying in 1989 when we lost to Calgary and I don’t remember 86 because I was only 5 at the time.

    Hoping I can do it again as an adult.

  14. Blue-Bologna

    Visit my dad’s resting place and planting a small Habs flag.

  15. hiptragicallybroken

    Well… in 1986 we hit the streets after leaving the bar and joking in to the craziness that followed. I was 17 and I never saw so many boobies without going to chez pare on my fake ID

    93 was a bit of the same

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