@Canadiens de Montréal

Coups de feu du nouveau propriétaire des Sens !

Coups de feu du nouveau propriétaire des Sens !



  1. We believe it because it’s true. Can’t speak for Toronto.

  2. thomas_bombadill

    It would be insulting if one of the two cities wouldn’t actually be the center of the hockey universe if we had to choose lol

  3. ukrainianhab

    They both are.

    1. Mtl
    2. for

    Not particularly debatable

  4. moneynotes82

    This billionaire calls himself an underdog lol wow.

  5. sex_panther_by_odeon

    He had 10% ownership in the Habs and was a Habs fan… For his own PR he needs to distance himself from this organization.

  6. ResidentSpirit4220

    Didn’t he own a sizeable stake in the Habs?

  7. Zblancos

    Nothing wrong with what he said

  8. Shenji06

    already trying to pull a carolina to fill the stand huh good luck with that bandwagon.

  9. DivinePotatoe

    The Sens ain’t even the centre of Ottawa my dude.

  10. _makoccino_

    First it was stupid Sens fans trying to be everyone’s rivals and nobody was biting, now the owner joins in like that’ll make a difference It’s just sad.

  11. Vanilla_Danish

    Lol they want this rivalry soooo fucking bad

  12. captainhook77

    I’ll believe it the day there’s fewer than 40% Habs/Toronto jersey at a Sens “home” game.

  13. HanshinFan

    « I straight up fucking hate you. » « I don’t think about you at all. »

  14. jo_maka


    I wouldn’t concern myself

  15. Sentenced2Burn

    What are his thoughts on the Sens being the 3rd most popular team in their own damn city, behind both Montreal and Toronto lol

    Ottawa was Leafs/Habs town before the Sens farted their way into the league, and despite some foothold it’s still Leafs/Habs town today 😂

  16. Slubber-Degullion

    Nothing wrong with a little preseason trash talk.

  17. bluAstrid

    I mean, along with the Rangers, we do generate 25% of the league’s revenue…

  18. Le8ronJames

    Y’all making it more than it actually is

  19. JourneyToArcana

    IDontThinkAboutYouAtAll dot jpg

  20. banyanoak

    Smart marketing. Trying to stir up a rivalry sells tickets, gets media coverage, and gets fans like us talking about it.

  21. SceneAccomplished549

    25 Stanley Cups, lost count at how many Hall Of Famers, oldest franchise, yes from a BC boy, Montreal is the center if the Hockey universe.

    Toronto doesn’t even remotely come close, Ottawa still has to win.

  22. TheHockeyDude14

    He should start with a GM that is not Pierre Dorion , after that I will maybe take that « underdog » seriously

    Rich people from birth using the term underdog make me wanna punch people in the fucking throat

    Fuck you Michael

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