@Flames de Calgary

Matthew Tkachuk se fait CUISINER pour avoir dit cela à propos du Canada.

#nhl #highlights #nhlnews Faits saillants et nouvelles de la LNH aujourd’hui – Matthew Tkachuk a des commentaires TRÈS intéressants sur les marchés canadiens, notamment les Maple Leafs de Toronto et les Flames de Calgary, contre les Panthers de la Floride. Nous couvrons le camp d’entraînement de la LNH 2023 et les matchs préparatoires avant le début de la vraie saison. Nous discuterons également des rumeurs de la LNH, des récapitulatifs quotidiens des matchs et des faits saillants du hockey 2023, des réactions et des classements, des caractéristiques des joueurs et bien plus encore, sur demande. Matthew Tkachuk, les Panthers de la Floride, les Flames de Calgary, les Oilers d’Edmonton, font tous partie, d’une manière ou d’une autre, de cette discussion. LNH aujourd’hui


  1. Let's see. Canadian taxes are stupidly high. The weather sucks. The fanbases are unrealistic. Life is much better in major US cities. This isn't complicated. Canadians think Canada is great. Not when the option is to move to a major US city and make millions more.

  2. im sick and tired of people going its a toxic culture and im like no it isnt except on social media which does not represent the majority

  3. Sorry, but not at all surprised that Matthew Tkachuk would say this stuff about Canadian hockey markets. The guys a pussy and the embarrassment of his family. He can't handle the media here and he couldn't handle the on ice stuff here either. I bet daddy is so proud of him. LOL!!!

  4. There's no team like it in other big sport leagues right now as far as I know. last cup so far away yet so many cups in past history. so many fans around the world and full crowds every year. really the fans at that stage are part of the problem. you can't blame it at this point anymore on any player or team roster. maybe it's the CA $ maybe it's Bettman maybe it's owners. can't even toss it on GM's. if the fans were more like in Ottawa roasting the owners instead of players they would have gotten a change by now. but no. they just roast everyone else but themselves and the owners. shows you whos really wearing the smarty pants every time this sort of thing comes up, and it does come a lot plenty and those fans just gullible taking the bite each time instead of stopping the rage and try put 1+1 in their heads for once. Media is flaming the fans on players each time. never once on anyone above GM level. really sad look. then 2 games into the seasons they will toss leaf jerseys on ice. and yes I just need to copy paste it on every raging leafs story since there's no bother really getting the details on this quote story. it will just be rinse and repeat by next month anyways. yawn. the real victim is the fans eating it up every time.

  5. The biggest thing to remember is for the most part, all these NHL'rs are KIDS! They are incredibly young! Sure, they get press training, but they have also had cameras in their faces for years and chatting with a reporter is the equivalent to one of us having a chat with a colleague at work. Sometimes you put your foot in your mouth a little bit when trying to convey a point.

  6. Are people still regurgitating “toxic” to describe anything that makes them uncomfortable?
    Regardless, Tkachuk isn’t wrong.

  7. “Candian fans can be toxic”

  8. How dare he be right.. and correctly explain why Leafs HAVE to pay more for same players who casual so up in Florida and Tampa ..

  9. At the end of the day it’s his job and I can’t remember the last time I chose to stay in a toxic workplace when I had better options in the same field.

  10. Canadian markets are toxic, it's not about the pressure from playing. It's the dog shit fans that harass, the media that harass the players and their families. Guess why almost no superstar ever sticks around unless you over pay or drafted them. The only time you see stars even come back to a Canadian market now is through massive trades, or at the tail end of their career.

  11. As a Canadian, he was only speaking the truth!! This seems like it'll quickly turn into something similar to the "Why are you booing me? I'm right." meme.

  12. taxes are way too high in Canada. There's no reason for anyone who wants to play there.

  13. Canadians are Americans of hockey. When you're superpower you tend to think and act as such. Canada is hockey superpower so they think this way within hockey. Obviously it doesn't mean ALL are like that but more than once I've heard Czech after visiting Canada be like " Canadians are amazing people ,it's such a beautiful country . Just don't discuss hockey with them, it's not worth it, they're too full of themselves. Some ways of thinking are simply more prevalent in big and powerful, some in small and weak. For better or worse.

  14. He’s just being cocky right now because his team went to the finals. The dude couldn’t even produce in Canada he couldn’t handle the pressure and ran for the hills. The oilers absolutely destroyed him Kassian broke his pride and now only after going to the finals now he says these comments. Look he’s entitled to an opinion but it’s not like you were tearing it up in Canada because you weren’t. I’ll give Mathews credit for sticking it out that surprised me when he resigned with Toronto. At the end of the day players can go wherever they want to but I also have an opinion and to me it looked like he ran because Edmonton destroyed him in the playoffs. But that’s just me.

  15. When you're rich and American, most of the things that Canada offers is of little use to you. Some might want to play in Canada because hockey is so big here, but my guess is that most American hockey players and other rich Americans feel like Tkachuk does. They don't need the healthcare, or any of the other great things that Canada provides and they don't appreciate them for that reason. He lives and plays for millions of dollars in Florida. He's living the dream. His disdain for Canada is understandable. It isn't excusable, but it's understandable. Unless you like nature, great views, or live a healthy, middle or lower middle class lifestyle, as an American, you probably don't see any advantage to living up here. If you're in one of those categories and still think America is better than Canada, you're just an idiot. But Tkachuk's views are understandable from his position. Everything good about Canada he doesn't really need and he can always enjoy while on vacation. He grew up in America, primarily Arizona and St. Louis, so he's used that non-hockey market lifestyle. He couldn't wait to leave Calgary and went from one of the coldest places in North America to one of the hottest for a big payday. I don't blame him. He's still a rich jackass, but I understand why he thinks the way he does. And Canada hasn't won a Cup in over 30 years, so why would he want to come here to win? Elias Pettersson knows he's not winning anything in Vancouver, so he's probably gone as soon as he's a UFA. He can make more money after taxes in America, and have a better chance at a playoff run. I say this as a Canucks fan. You don't appreciate the amazing things that make Canada great until you actually need them. He doesn't and never will. Even if he gets really sick, he has millions of dollars for top quality care that he could get in Canada for nothing, but he's in his home country.

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