@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Tim Stützle des Sénateurs tire sur le noyau des Maple Leafs pour avoir pris trop d’argent | SDP

Steve Dangle, Adam Wylde et Jesse Blake discutent des commentaires faits par l’attaquant des Sénateurs d’Ottawa Tim Stützle concernant son contrat de 8,35 millions de dollars et pourquoi il aurait pris moins parce qu’il voulait gagner. Visitez https://sdpn.ca pour des produits dérivés et plus encore. Contactez https://www.sdpn.ca/sales pour entrer en contact avec notre équipe de vente et discuter de l’opportunité d’intégrer votre marque dans notre contenu !


  1. In the NBA you can pay 5 players a boatload of money but they are always on the court for basically the whole game.

    In the NHL you need 5 players on the ice but times that by 3-4 times. Not the same. The value of one individual player is diminished BECAUSE they can’t be on the ice the whole time.

    What lie did Tim Stuzle say? Everything he said is objectively true. The league has a hard cap and it IS harder to win when individuals take up a larger % of the cap.

  2. Sure, let’s make ticket prices completely unreachable without a mortgage on the house! Give them all mega millions.

  3. "He's right but you're not allowed to say it" – Stockholm Syndrome Nation in a nutshell.

  4. It must be so horrible to be a leafs fan. Watching the Stutzles, Tkachuks, Hughes', etc take team friendly contracts, while leafs players demand team hampering contracts

  5. This is such a bad take, players who want to win, they know they have to leave space to bring more talent. You wish Matthews was a team player, that's just too bad.

    Of course all players want the cap to go up, player revenues are going to be negotiated for the next CBA. GMs of teams wanting to win will spend to the cap no matter how selfish or team oriented the players are.

    Love the content!

  6. Matthews taking $15M vs taking $7M doesn’t change anything about how much the players make. The more you pay the top guys the less you have for the depth guys. Teams are gonna spend to their internal cap regardless

  7. Easy to say not to take 10 million when you can’t make it yourself.
    If you could make 5 mil per season extra , you wouldn’t want it 😂😂

  8. The Salary cap exists. That is what the NHL and NHLPA agreed to. It's also not going to go away. Continuously whining about it as either a player or a fan isn't productive. Players are also not stupid. They see which teams are winning the Stanley Cup and it isn't the teams with top heavy salary distribution.

    I honestly think GMs (Dorion especially) are pitching their star players on how they can all stick together, and have the cap flexibility to be competitive for a long time. Look at how Ottawa has been managing it as they leave their rebuild and become a cap team. Star players (Tkachuk, Chabot, Stu, Norris, Sanderson – that's your topline and top pair D) all taking less than $8.5M. Their second tier players are all hovering between 5 and 4.5 (Tarasanko, Bath, Zub, Chychrun, Korpo – That's your second pairing D and secondary winger scoring, starting goaltender). Dorion probably pitched to Stu, hey I can give you $10M, but that's $2M less I can give to another player. Would you rather play with a player of Tarasanko calibre, or a Matthieu Jospeh calibre as your linemate? A majority of players, who want to win, will be like Tarasanko please. $8.0M is enough for me. That is where Stu is coming from. He doesn't want to make the most money, he wants to win.

  9. DNVR Avalanche had an interview with Bo Byram yesterday (who just signed a 2 year, 3.85 mil deal retaining his rfa status at the end of it). He was asked if he considered signing a long term deal during this process and responded by saying essentially no because he hadn't proved himself. That's probably a decision that will net him a lot of money.

  10. What you guys are all wrong about is the fact that these guys, are getting 8 year deals at 8 mill. They could of easily done bridge deals and then take advantage and get 10 mil plus, or commiting to a team and having a deal favorable to the team, long term.

    Sens players are signing long term, leafs arent, the other young superstars (with exception) arent.

    This was a horrible take

  11. You're all just dumb. I say that matter-of-factly. Toronto players all take a team friendly deal whether you can comprehend it or not. Toronto and Ottawa have the lowest net caps in the league. If Marner signed in FL, he would have NETTED 8.5 million more dollars than he will in ON. Canadian teams and teams in states with high taxes are at a huge disadvantage to teams with low state taxes. The fact of the matter is that players in places like FL, Texas and Nashville end their careers with a much larger net worth. If you want to play in Toronto you will be poorer. A 10 mil contract in Toronto is exactly the same as a 7.2 million dollar contract in Florida to the players involved.

  12. I think Y'all blowing his point way out of proportion. I really don't see it as him saying "I'm the Hero" Superman coming out of the phone booth. Rather we as a team basically have better management. Sorry, but winning a Cup seems 2nd to Mathews when he signed his contract 3 guys were taking up 41.1% of the teams payroll leaving 58.9% for 20 other guys about 2.9% each for the rest of the team untenable.

  13. He is both right and is being very selective with his history re his own negotiations

  14. Just like Sanderson this season signs a year early takes a big long term deal and thats called team friendly they know they will improve but they sign for less but Stutzle is right and wrong you can be money motivated and still win but its a lot harder Stutzle, Brady, Sanderson deals make it easier to win same with the way the Devils have been handling their cap with Hughes, Bratt, Hischier and im sure theyll get Luke Hughes locked up long term early and cheaper than hes worth as well

  15. Did Bergeron mess up too same with Marchand they established a culture in Boston take less get a netter team now it didnt work out for them but it helped them be competitive so Stutzle is right and wrong both

  16. Whether its 68M or 100M, who cares? You are never going to go hungry, you will never be uncomfortable. Maybe it'd be nice to be set for life AND win a few awards, and be celebrated for being a team player? Maybe that's worth 12-20M to somebody who already has tens of millions? You know, as opposed to bleeding your team for every dime.

  17. Ottawa's going full commy with PT socialist representatives… We're all fucked this muffin top is gunna end the league.

  18. Other people in his life probably pressured him into that deal back then and he just took it to shut up his inner circle..and not start a huge fight.

  19. He didn’t f up lol. He knew what he was doing, he knew if he waited another year he coulda made more money. He, and sanderson both took less than what they could have got because that’s what they’re all doing in Ottawa

  20. Imagine saying a 3-4 year deal is more effective for the team 💀

  21. Everyone is taking a lesson from the leafs. The leafs are the reason why players aren’t getting top dollars!! Don’t succeed in the playoffs and paying 4 players 10+ mil each!

  22. I can't wait till the Sens eliminate Toronto in the playoffs. How do you crap on a player the clearly knows he makes more than enough money at 8.35

  23. Steve sounds pissed off that Tim’s right. Deep down it hurts knowing the leafs can not get better. It’s only down hill from here on

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