@Red Wings de Détroit

Dure journée sur The Athletic…

Mais ce n’est pas comme si je pouvais contester quoi que ce soit. Les Red Wings ont besoin d’une quantité excessive de choses pour se dérouler parfaitement cette saison. Cependant, je ne suis pas d’accord avec le fait que ce soit une saison décisive. Et je pense toujours qu’Yzerman a incontestablement fait avancer cette équipe dans la bonne direction.



  1. _Kramerica_

    I’m so sick of hearing “Yzerman has to win the cup in under 5 years or failure” bullshit. Dude took one of the worst situations in the NHL and turned it into one of the most up and coming teams in the league.

    Prospect pool: from horrible to great position
    Salary cap: from horrible to great position
    Starting roster: from horrible to great position

    What do people expect? Why does everybody continue to overlook the absolute ducking garbage situation Holland put this team in?! We’re lucky that Yzerman took this job with the absolute insane situation this team was in.

    I’m honesty sick of hearing this BS.

  2. TheRitalinCommando

    Progress isn’t about where you are, but it2about where you’re headed. They’ve improved a lot and they’re improving still. When they stop improving we can talk about changing in the front office.

  3. redwing_sparty

    The thing most mass market sports media forgets is Tampa bay already had some very strong core players for Yzerman to build around. Like Stamkos and St. Louis and then Tyler Johnson became a big contributor too. The team we had when Yzerman came back had low tier scoring and awful defense. It will take some time. I think playoffs are definitely the goal this season. But I haven’t seen anyone else resurrecting teams from the grave in the past several years so I’m happy to let Stevie do his thing.

  4. leafssuck69

    The only criticism I have is that, as of now, it looks like we’re gonna be a team with no elite offensive talent

    That’s barely a fault of Yzerman though, as we’ve been cursed in every draft lottery we’ve been in. Plus there’s still a chance Raymond, Lombardi, Danielson, etc can develop into that type of player

  5. scubastevie

    Holl hasn’t played one game and everyone hates him.

    Yzerman I thought was 5-7 years from playoffs when he took over. Everyone(most) around here was thinking 3. I think fan expectations can cause an article like this to be written.

    Wings also got screwed on lotto picks. A bedard would tremendously help our team. But we have what we have. Seider is good and our picks need time to develop. Considering where we were 5 years ago to now, we are in a much better place.

    I would say yzerman has 2 years and if we don’t touch the playoffs as an 8 seed I would be worried. I’m excited for our defense core since it should be much better than last season.

    I also think debricant wont hit 30 goals but I hope I’m wrong

  6. Kryptopus

    I’m sick and tired of this discussion. Those who expected us to be a playoff team with our prospect pool back then within 5 years were and are delusional. The rebuild were always gonna take a long time and it’s not until year 4-6 that we see the results from the work being done from day one. Be patient yall.

  7. Jeez-essFC

    If we don’t make playoffs this year or next, then his seat will start to warm up.

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