@Ligue nationale de hockey

Il est temps pour Edmonton d’adopter la révolution verte, voici mes suggestions pour une nouvelle image de marque

Il est temps pour Edmonton d’adopter la révolution verte, voici mes suggestions pour une nouvelle image de marque



  1. DragLongjumping3714

    With all due respect. Get bent.

  2. joeshmoe514

    Why are people so upset about this? OP is clearly making a joke.

  3. joecarter93

    If they go with the Solars, Premier Danielle Smith will prevent them from taking the ice this season.

  4. Hutch25

    It’s not about changing the name to fit the culture. Edmonton is known for oil, so it’s named after oil.

    Patriotism in Canada is down a lot, but you don’t see Toronto changing their name to the Toronto Immigration or Toronto transit.

  5. thisguy5051

    Try the ‘abandon well heads’ because that’s where we are at this point.

  6. Neon_Sternum

    But … what about wind cancer!?

  7. Like17Badgers

    ngl that’s make for some good merch
    just a bunch of different types of industrial energy

  8. Curtomac

    No thank you. Just keep it Oilers

  9. TheOlSneakyPete

    This is me getting up on my soapbox. Nuclear energy is the greenest energy!

  10. ViewedConch697

    What about the Edmonton Hydroelectric Dams?

  11. Edmonton Atoms unironically sounds really good, and you could use the third logo

  12. Monoethylamine

    Should be called Fisions, not Fusions. But looks awesome.

  13. MyBuddyBossk

    Jesus christ I hate this so much

  14. Legitimate-Ad327

    All of Alberta is running your IP and forming what could only be described as a “Springfield-style Town riot”. They’re feeling “Springy”, watch out man.

  15. Tkachuks-Mouthpiece

    Fusion is an awesome name

  16. Reppotimus

    My vote is Funions. Can’t go wrong with Funions

  17. TheRitalinCommando

    I’d be more interested in seeing a rebrand of Calgary. Flames was a dumb name in Atlanta and it’s even dumber in Calgary. They should do something about cattle. The Calgary Bulls or something like that would work and there’s a lot of room for a great logo.

  18. haihaiclickk

    It’s Alberta. Maybe try this again in 50 years

  19. GroutConsumingMan

    You have to be joking right?

  20. adam_c

    It’s too bad the Alberta government is anti renewables and clean energy

  21. zachofalltrades47

    Edmonton is WAY too far North to be dependent on solar energy. C’mon man.

  22. Vast_Impression_5326

    How do you know oilers doesn’t mean “vegetable oil” …that would mean green oil ! Win win

  23. Grimmer026

    Their mascot could be a hamster on a wheel

  24. NorthboundUrsine

    Hard to go solar when you have three months of darkness every winter. Yes, I know they’re not that far north, but the days are definitely shorter up there.

  25. Mayflower023

    Hard to believe how a joke can go over so many people heads lol

  26. helio987

    Why don’t you just call it the Edmonton Electric. Just what we need, more cupcakes trying to push their strange ideas.

  27. apcymru

    I would go with #3 … SMRs are the future

  28. Czarchitect

    I say lean into the existing theme and rebrand as the Rig Pigs

  29. HockeyBabble



    These would make GREAT beer league logos!!!

  30. Toiletboy4

    There are no emissions if you drink it!

  31. Starsky686

    This logic is why I support the Rochester Forks and the Bellingham Cardboard boxes so hard. “LET’S GO BOXES! LET’S GO!”

  32. freestyle43

    Why are they all still dripping like oil lol

  33. Dank_Cthulhu

    Turbines since they’re the most expensive and yield the smallest return. It just fits.

  34. It’s going to be cool when things get so woke this actually has to happen. Cool cool cool cool, no doubt no doubt.

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