@Bruins de Boston

Les meilleures et les pires performances du premier match de pré-saison des Bruins | Le Skate Pod, Ép. 220

Brian, Bridgette et Scott analysent quels espoirs se sont montrés les plus prometteurs pour faire pression pour une place dans la LNH lors du premier match préparatoire des Bruins. Examen des bons et des mauvais résultats de la performance de Fabian Lysell lors du match de dimanche. L’excellente performance de Brandon Bussi suscite davantage d’idées d’échange de gardien de but. Suivez-nous sur Twitter : @TheSkatePod | @bridgetteproulx | @smclaughlin9 | @briandefelice_ | Envoyez-nous un e-mail à skatepod@weei.com Laissez vos questions dans les commentaires et nous y répondrons autant que possible ! Aller à : 00:00 – Impressions positives de Matt Poitras lors du premier match préparatoire 05:06 – Ce que le développement de Brandon Bussi pourrait signifier pour Ullmark et Swayman 15:50 – Accéder à la performance de Jakub Zboril et Mike Callahan sur l’arrière des Bruins 19:20 – Classement des performances des centres Geekie, Poitras, Beecher et Harrison 33:40 – La performance de Lysell lors du match de dimanche a-t-elle été trop décevante ? 39:50 – Beecher semble-t-il plus prêt à décrocher un emploi dans la LNH cette saison ? 43:04 – Là où les maillots du centenaire des Bruins ratent la cible Photo : Eric Canha/USA TODAY Sports Suivez le podcast Skate sur l’application Audacy ou partout où vous obtenez vos podcasts : https://link.chtbl.com/TheSkatePodcast Ne le faites pas oublie de t’abonner ! https://www.youtube.com/weeivideo 📡 ÉCOUTER EN DIRECT ➡️ https://www.audacy.com/weei/listen 📺REGARDER EN DIRECT ➡️ http://weei.com/watch 💻REGARDER EN DIRECT SUR TWITCH ➡️ http:/ /twitch.tv/bostonweei Téléchargez l’application Audacy aujourd’hui et diffusez votre WEEI où que vous soyez ! ➡️ https://go.audacy.com/y-listen-live-weei SUIVEZ-NOUS : TWITTER – https://twitter.com/WEEI INSTAGRAM : https://www.instagram.com/weeisports/ FACEBOOK : https : //www.facebook.com/WEEI/ Images miniatures avec l’aimable autorisation de Getty Images/USA Today Network.

1 Comment

  1. Excellent start. Competition levels are flying high in that locker room.

    Of course there was some hesitation, on both sides, so it was subtle, didn't' pop out as it would against a full-strength NHL team. We could see the shot-first mentality-get the puck to the net. It worked

    Rangers gave a lot of time and space, I think one of the Rangers screened Quick on a goal.

    Major kudos to those boys that filled the blue paint, screened- forced Rangers defenders to screen their own goalie while those goals were happening. We dominated their blue paint.
    what Nick foligno, Taylor Hall did. Even Oskar Steen when he came up

    Tough to see Jonathan Quick go down like that-he needed to control his defense verbally. That's why a team brings in a veteran goalie – direct a young defense.

    Preseason games are like tennis matches, whoever makes the least mistakes, wins.

    They got the nerves out, first game over with. Walked off that NHL ice with confidence.

    EVERY Bs player, regardless how much they contributed, has better +/- ratings, although they don't count on paper, they count in their heads.

    They figured out how to win.
    B's didn't make mistakes that cost them.
    Great start

    It was last season's depth that got us through the three major players out rehabbing, there's no reason to doubt Sweeney has that up his sleeve again.

    Matt said it was a much faster game, harder hits-so he's got something tangible to chew on now & get ready for real hockey- because that was half speed and in slow motion compared to what he's got coming

    Bussi was himself. Coach Essesna doesn't bring in slackers.

    That's the retirement I do not look forward to, the most of all the Bruins… Even more than Bergeron.

    We're going to miss him.
    He's irreplaceable.

    No, last playoffs was not his "fault."
    Matter of fact, he could have been chewing out the team for not looking out for their goalie.

    No worries for coach Monty, Tom Johnson went through the same thing.
    Only no one was expecting anything out of the 2023 team, we were expecting everything out of that 1971 playoff team, coming off of last season's flying Bobby Orr goal

    And they went down to the Habs! Who were the last wild-card team! Even more humiliating!

    Welcome to the Boston Bruins 1972 revenge tour!
    Go Bs!

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