@Golden Knights de Vegas

Votre résumé hebdomadaire des /r/goldenknights pour la semaine du 20 au 26 septembre

**Mercredi 20 septembre – mardi 26 septembre** ###Top vidéos | note | commentaires | titre et lien | |–|–|–| | 72 | [1 comments](/r/goldenknights/comments/16ortac/really_happy_to_see_the_boys_back_on_the_ice_again/) | [Really happy to see the boys back on the ice again!](https://v.redd.it/qlt0lmtoeopb1)| | 31 | [3 comments](/r/goldenknights/comments/16t5zoy/its_a_beautiful_love_story/) | `[Shitpost]` [It’s a beautiful Love Story](https://v.redd.it/elh8igad5pqb1)|   ###Meilleurs messages non merdiques | note | commentaires | titre et lien | |–|–|–| | 84 | [12 comments](/r/goldenknights/comments/16offn1/congratulations_to_the_stanley_cup_for_winner/) | [Congratulations to the Stanley Cup for winning the 2023 Stanley Cup !](https://i.redd.it/gw9irrzrxlpb1.jpg)| | 79 | [7 comments](/r/goldenknights/comments/16psz35/got_to_see_the_cup_in_melbourne_for_the_nhl/) | Je dois voir la Coupe à Melbourne pour les NHL Global Series | | 67 | [102 comments](/r/goldenknights/comments/16omw4a/70_a_year_is_expected_only_being_available_on/) | [$70 a year is expected. Only being available on Apple and fireTV is insanity however.](https://i.redd.it/7tihs23ignpb1.jpg)| | 59 | [48 comments](/r/goldenknights/comments/16r0p1t/wake_up_its_gd/) | RÉVEILLEZ-VOUS, C’EST GD| | 58 | [7 comments](/r/goldenknights/comments/16s92uh/stanley_stick/) | [Stanley stick](https://i.redd.it/j3elf6uswhqb1.jpg)| | 45 | [3 comments](/r/goldenknights/comments/16qjrfk/new_pickup_plus_some_patch_updates/) | Nouveau pickup et quelques mises à jour de correctifs | | 44 | [2 comments](/r/goldenknights/comments/16r31gs/happy_hockeyween_everyone/) | `[Armor Up]` [Happy Hockeyween everyone!](https://i.redd.it/c6irvqblk8qb1.jpg)| | 40 | [14 comments](/r/goldenknights/comments/16oss5u/jesse_granger_kelly_mccrimmon_says_robin_lehner/) | [[Jesse Granger] Kelly McCrimmon says Robin Lehner is out indefinitely and will remain on LTIR. Layton Ahac is out with a day to day injury, and Daniil Miromanov is out “long term” from an injury he suffered last season.](https://twitter.com/JesseGranger_/status/1704922338154906086)| | 32 | [12 comments](/r/goldenknights/comments/16ri2i3/i_signed_up_i_logged_in_i_even_watched_the/) | Je me suis inscrite. Je me suis connecté. J’ai même regardé le compteur pendant 5 minutes jusqu’à ce qu’il soit Knight Time. Je tiens à remercier l’équipe technique derrière le service de streaming VGK. Cela a rendu ma décision pour l’année beaucoup plus facile. Yo Ho, Yo Ho…… | | 30 | [36 comments](/r/goldenknights/comments/16o6717/what_do_you_think_are_the_golden_knightss_chances/) | `[Squire Talk]` Selon vous, quelles sont les chances des Golden Knights de répéter leur victoire de la Coupe Stanley cette saison ?|  


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  1. subredditsummarybot

    If you would like this roundup sent to your reddit inbox every week [send me a message with the subject ‘goldenknights’](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=subredditsummarybot&subject=goldenknights&message=x). Or if you want a daily roundup, [use the subject ‘goldenknights daily’](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=subredditsummarybot&subject=goldenknights%20daily&message=x). Or send me a chat with either goldenknights or goldenknights daily.

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