@Blue Jackets de Columbus

Texier sur Bord Intérieur 9/27

Je dois dire… c’est génial d’entendre que Sexy Texy est de retour et se sent bien ! Félicitations à lui pour avoir mis les choses au clair à la maison et revenir en pré-saison prêt à partir. https://pca.st/episode/cf6ab602-15fd-41cc-991b-aec6b00c30f8



  1. RedditShhhmeddit

    Texier is the most even keel player I’ve ever seen

  2. Degen_parlays

    Anyone else feel like Texier doesn’t like it here? He’s best buds with PLD and we all know how that went. He seems to keep to himself, which is fine of course but I wonder if a little part of his hiatus was him not liking it here.

    Just my thoughts

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