@Sabres de Buffalo

Levi s’installe et les Sabres se rallient à un déficit de 3 buts – Réflexions d’après-match

Salut à tous, dans ce dernier verre, nous assistons à un superbe rallye alors que les garçons ont fait leur retour après un déficit de 3 buts et sont revenus en trombe pour gagner en temps réglementaire avec Benson comme héros… merci d’avoir regardé 😎 **Chaîne de Teddy Usick** : https://www.youtube.com/@TeddyUsick93/videos **Communauté Discord sur ce lien 🦬 : https://discord.gg/DcRqQFN5nV ** ‘Khatchaturian Saber Dance’ a été sous licence et acheté auprès d’Audio Micro (Licence #U269T3409 )


  1. Is it just me – or does it seem like Benson can make this team, at 18 years old……..and be good.

    Did we just strike gold…….this kid seems like he could be a 40 goal scorer in a few years

  2. Bryson played his way off the team I know that. I think our D is as follows, Dahlin, Sammy, Power, Clifton, E Johnson, Joker and Stillman. Ryan Johnson as first call up and replacement for E. Johnson next year.

  3. I drove through columbus, Ohio today while the game on. Listened on radio. It was 3-2 bjs when the station faded. LOVE the outcome.

  4. Jacob Bryson has got to go he looked horrible today he is a big reason for the defensive break downs

  5. I'll be heading to the home opener against the rangers and we will be sitting up close to see the boys beat the rangers

  6. I also loved how the boys stood up for each other especially when they put their hands on Levi this is a different team

  7. Great comeback win! Wins like this can build some momentum going into the regular season. I don't see Benson getting sent back to juniors, he's just too good in my opinion. But who knows what these folks are thinking, I'm no pro.

  8. The preseason is indeed the perfect time to keep a goalie in even if he wiuld have been pulled if it were a more important regular season game. Good to see how a young goalie responds to adversity, and I do hope UPL gets the entire next game to prove himself. Then play Comrie in the preseason finale.

  9. I think Benson is earning Quinn’s spot on the roster. He is showing more of a willingness to compete and make plays than the other prospects. I say throw him in and see how he does. No shame in sending him back to juniors if needed.

    I like how much Stillman has improved in the offseason. I like that he hits too and deserves another shot.

  10. What a first game for our captain getting 3 points. Davies, Benson and Johnson (despite the 2 giveaways) still looking very good. I think Cecconi, Rosen, Rousek and Kulich (sadly his shooting % has been so bad) will be sent to Roch soon. My feeling is Levi told Granato he wants to play the full game. He just seems to take letting down the team very personal and wants to redeem himself. I suspect UPL and Cooley next game. I hope they don't cut Cooley and give him another shot. Shout out to Skinner (he may have another career year) and Tuch for his first game as he looked like he didn't miss a beat.

  11. Would like to find a way to keep Benson and Savoie as long as possible (9 games or less and maybe a conditioning stint in Rochester). Don’t think either belong in Wenatchee, especially with the coaching situation there – tough when we have an extra goalie and 8 defenseman signed….

    Bryson absolutely needs to be waived, but would hesitate to waive Stillman. He has looked solid and I hope is a lock for the extra d man / injury replacement – along with a Clague or Johnson call up.

    UPL is on a two way deal, but doubt we’d send him to Rochester at this point. I can see Benson starting on the top line through October – maybe Savoie stays on IR through then and gets some games in after?

    I think Benson at least deserves to stay up 9 games with Quinn out, he’s earned it and could legitimately improve the team. Savoie complicates things, I’m sure he’d be frustrated to go back alone knowing Benson nabbed his spot.

    If Shane Wright gets exemption to play in the AHL maybe we have a legitimate (lawsuit?) case to push for Savoie there too. They have nearly the same birthdate and amount of games played in junior. Seems like an unfair competitive advantage to allow one and not the other

  12. Good riddance to Mike Babcock. He ruined our 2009 Cup chances and exhausts the players’ endurance and enthusiasm to this day. Columbus is a good team, and it was amazing watching the Sabres rebound. This was the type of game that shows Buffalo has the grit to break through. Our Wings probably will finish two places below and get robbed out of a playoff spot this time around.

  13. -Levi needs to work on his glove hand. Lots of pucks bouncing off his hand but he still managed to have a great second half of the game.
    -Bryson continues to have too many giveaways and missed passes. I hope this is the last we see of him.
    -Stillman looks like a decent call up when you know you are heading into a physical game. Not the most talent d-man but plays with a lot of fire and capable of good hits.
    -Cozens shot attempts were pretty awful. Not sure what the deal was there but many of the shots weren't even close to being on net.
    -Jeff Skinner looks so ready for the season to begin. His awareness and willingness to retrieve the puck are in top form.
    -Trade Olofsson asap.

  14. Sad to say roam… buttt u have a jerk follower! His name is A.S. He keeps saying your an old coot, fake Sabres fan… I want u to take the precautions necessary. Side bar… how do u feel about girgenson, I feel he’s played great and a staple to our organization! All love. Go sabres

  15. I think granato was testing Levi’s ability to face adversity since that was really the first time he’s faced it at this level. And what does Levi do? Shuts the freaking door. To go from saving 8/11 to 18/18 in the same game really shows that his mentality and focus is near un-breakable. A different goalie in that situation probably continues to just get caved in. Levi stood tall and gave us time to fight back and take the win.

  16. I mean they played this game without Dahlin, Power, or Samuelsson, that is literally the core of our team for defense, and a lot of offense too… and we still made a comeback win on the back of Skinner and Benson, solid showing for pre-season.

    Should see pretty much the full team the next few games though besides a few players like Benson.

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