@Sénateurs d'Ottawa

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Alors que nous sommes à un peu plus d’une semaine du début de la saison des Sénateurs d’Ottawa, Wally et Yorkie discutent des principaux scénarios à surveiller avant la saison régulière. 🚨 AIMEZ 👍🏼 et ABONNEZ-VOUS ! 🚨 Regardez Coming In Hot avec Brent Wallace, Jason York et Bobby Ryan : Working Overtime ➡️ https://youtu.be/KglZXxZ_Xnk Eric Gryba ➡️https://youtube.com/live/5E06mW8f_Lg Aaron Ward ➡️ https://youtube .com/live/NhNhv02CTQQ Reynolds absent ➡️ https://youtube.com/live/WZMYb1nXgAo Drake Batherson ➡️ https://youtu.be/pO5gFEkpxBM Dave Jackson ➡️ https://youtube.com/live/NijfgVEfQaE Réflexion sur les séries éliminatoires ➡️ https ://youtu.be/a8DsgsdWVk0 Jakob Chychrun ➡️ https://youtu.be/qOCyWioaS8Y Conférence de presse de Dorion ➡️ https://youtu.be/8xMDbt7yYzU L’intersaison commence ➡️ https://youtu.be/PDPkUbh_Rsw Giroux 1000 points ➡️ https ://youtu.be/bmgwsQeOHB8 Joyeuses Pâques ! ➡️ https://youtu.be/_ha8VEi-eMQ Live Show ➡️ https://youtube.com/live/QH7WvRSJUOY Candidat Calder ? ➡️ https://youtu.be/7EQI5GeCyLU L’avenir est maintenant ➡️ https://youtu.be/Q7frbXnd2Mk Le dilemme de Brannstrom ➡️ https://youtu.be/w44pVSQv17g Tous à bord du K-Train ➡️ https://youtu. be/RgWBDZYoLt0 Pouvez-vous sentir ce qui se prépare ? ➡️ https://youtu.be/utkB3nah4gI Quel début !! ➡️ https://youtube.com/live/7qW9eThU2MY Lance Pitlick ➡️ https://youtube.com/live/xTJ-ClaifMA Pouvez-vous embrasser un pingouin ? ➡️ https://youtu.be/iQyNlou_msE Session vidéo ➡️ https://youtu.be/IkSytoTQ9bY Western Demise ➡️ https://youtu.be/FgiGAxwfhdQ #whowantsit ➡️ https://youtube.com/live/XipzP6zkY8w Date limite des échanges ➡️ https://youtube.com/live/sGi6wfLiS9A Les Sens acquièrent Jakob Chychrun ➡️ https://youtube.com/live/svUBiuv-_Js SOIRÉE 4 POINTS DE DanGIROUX ➡️ https://youtu.be/VfRw2-YPWU8 Semaine cruciale pour le Sens ➡️ https://youtu.be/dr8loBNtMxg David Pagnotta ➡️ https://youtu.be/bhFKt7O-vEw Andrew Hammond ➡️ https://youtu.be/SH1_eph5vbc Hamburglar Partie 2 ➡️ https://youtube.com/live /VbPVC3yKdEA Arash Madani ➡️ https://youtu.be/lrJrnc7grZg All-Star Talk ➡️ https://youtube.com/live/Q_MMC1hYjQQ Pourquoi Troy Mann a-t-il été viré ? ➡️ https://youtube.com/live/T3ktC_-BdOo Nouvelle attitude ➡️ https://youtu.be/2MQ6rEdc7Yo Troy Mann ➡️ https://youtube.com/live/D0Ll7_x-_Sk La convocation ➡️ https:/ /youtube.com/live/w8jkYKVfO2o Chirurgie pour Josh Norris ➡️ https://youtu.be/Bnf7CnpLtMc Le grand remaniement ➡️ https://youtu.be/EXfFE7ZCAa4 Shaun Van Allen ➡️ https://youtu.be/KnPYUYcfXEA Séance vidéo ➡️ https://youtu.be/qEIhAz8ebuc Sens sous une avalanche ➡️ https://youtu.be/YlXHZX1uJ_4 Top 4 D-Man Hunting ➡️ https://youtu.be/cyLaTWr1MXw Stützle grésillant ➡️ https://youtu.be /W-Nrk9hhJ2Y Brady Tkachuk ➡️ https://youtu.be/uBC7bqT6qlU Capologie ➡️ https://youtu.be/LB09qTnPldU Bonne année ! ➡️ https://youtu.be/ZnFmXw_MWQA Plus grande histoire de l’année 2022 ➡️ https://youtu.be/bQjK4MZvUgw Frank Seravalli ➡️ https://youtu.be/SqmiaPV7foE Coup d’envoi de la semaine de Noël ! ➡️ https://youtu.be/vIDCHqZKXeU Pat Maroon ➡️ https://youtu.be/t-0PnNVytic 💪🏼 Blessure au haut du corps de Tim Stützle ➡️ https://youtu.be/J08TXGLyOmo Josh Norris #9 ➡️ https:/ /youtu.be/iehWp9IUNDQ 🖐 Broken Bones ➡️ https://youtu.be/RT-rq5CyqNo Le 1er show de Bobby Ryan ! ➡️ https://youtu.be/jm0D0bZZi2k 👀 MENDES : Guerre d’enchères pour acheter les Sénateurs d’Ottawa ➡️ https://youtu.be/fe0SNpulvDo ➡️ André Roy https://youtu.be/LrQNwbPtmxQ ➡️ Interview de Magnus Arvedson ici : https : //youtu.be/bTuEAIrO5uY ➡️ Le show complet de Chris Phillips & Wade Redden ici : https://youtu.be/7tyu2gpRxpA ➡️ L’interview de Marian Hossa https://youtu.be/NfsifrgISSA ➡️ Martin Havlat https://youtu.be/ iuxdpXBPeVU Si vous aimez ça, regardez DAILY FACEOFF LIVE : ➡️ https://youtube.com/live/hEBsK-QSsUc __________________________________________________________________________________ 🐦 Suivez sur Twitter et Instagram : @ComingInHotSens @localpodcaster @jasonyork33 @Bobbyry5409 📺 Abonnez-vous sur Youtube : @ComingInHotWithWallaceAndRyan ______________________________________ ________________________________ Merci à nos sponsors : 🚨 Betano : https://www.betano.ca 🚨 BEI : https://bonnechereexcavating.com #nhl #ottawasenators #hockey #sens #senators #ottawa See More


  1. Pinto is better than Tarasenko (from what preseason showed so far) what was PD thinking signing Tarasenko for 5 mil and screwing over Pinto? I would move Tarasenko, move Kubalik to the 2nd line which actually looks really good, sign Pinto for 2.5 mil and get another 3rd liner for 2.5 mil.

  2. Smejakl isn't some random dude off the street who is playing well, he is a seasoned international vet. Having played 0 NHL games, obviously MacEwen has proven more in the NHL, thats such a ridiculous argument. The only way Smejkal isnt in opening night lineup is because of the cap, nothing you guys have said to try and downplay his performance has any merit.

  3. The main focus of the Sens this season will be for every player to do everything they can to pad Tarasenko's goal numbers to ensure the biggest contract for him when he leaves next year. Tarasenko expects this and will be very upset with anyone in the organization does not work hard for that objective.

  4. Smejkal and Jarventie should both be on the roster to start the year. They've earned it. Very impressed with both players. This would be a huge boost to the bottom six and it's desperately needed. Yes it's only preseason but the same guys he's competing against… have done nothing and looked horrendous

  5. No one seems to want to address the substance of the Thomson complaint, which is that he was given away for nothing. If there's no room on the roster (which is the local media take), why not trade him in the spring or summer? Why just give him away? The idea that such a deal was impossible is absurd–the roster crunch mentioned (JBD one-way/Kleven ahead of him) was a reality months ago, leaving plenty of time to make it happen.

  6. I agree that MacEwan is more proven in the NHL, but what he has proven is he’s not good.

    He’s been in the league for awhile and he is what he is at this point. He doesn’t generate or produce offence, he’s terrible defensively, and doesn’t play PK at all. All he has going for him is being tough.

    The 3year, 1way deal shouldn’t matter. The team preaches that the best players will play and that they need a good start. Smejkal has done nothing but contribute this preseason, and you reward him by sending him to the minors? To ‘test’ him and see how he handles it?

    Just play the best players. Kelly and MacEwan are not in the top12 forwards within the organization.

  7. Kelly and MacEwan on the 4th line is a bad take. That's a downgrade on last year. This team talks about accountability all summer well then you have to let the best players play. Jarventie and smekjal have earned their spot while kelly, kastelic and macewan have been coasting and giving the puck away. No jobs on the 4th line should ever be safe if players can't perform.

  8. If smejkal doesn’t make the team because of 100k difference this team needs to fire GMPD asap. It’s pathetic and an embarrassment. Not sure what they waiting for get rid of Joseph and give up a pick to make it happen. Fucking bullshit what’s going on right now. Such a distraction for no reason

  9. Smejkal has shown he belongs, and so has Sokolov. Plug them in anywhere in the bottom-6, and they'll do fine. I know Parker Kelly is on a 1-way contract, but he is not as good as Smejkal or Sokolov. Under Melnyk the 1-way meant a guaranteed roster spot (because Melnyk would rather run an inferior roster than have an AHL player making big money). Under new ownership, I hope they just play the best players, regardless of who is on a 1-way. There's no cap penalty for contracts that small to be sent to the AHL. If ownership and management are truly trying to win, only cap hit should matter, not salary.

    I love Kelly's intensity and work ethic, but despite his willingness to throw hits and battle in the dirty areas, he doesn't have the size to be physically imposing. We've seen that for the last couple years now. In the past, he was a great addition to the roster because his work ethic is top-tier & the organization didn't have anyone better to fill his role. There comes a point when work-ethic by itself isn't enough, and that means Kelly no longer fits IMO. Our 4th line got absolutely caved in every game last season and needs to be upgraded this year. The 12k cap difference between Kelly and Sokolov, or the 100k between Kelly and Smejkal aren't the reasons Pinto can't be signed. The Sens have cap problems because of Dorion's bad signings and subsequent buy-outs / retained salary trades.

    As far as getting Pinto signed, he wants 2*2.5M. Sens have $120k in cap space (13F, 7D, 2G) or ~$900k in cap space if using one less forward (12F, 7D, 2G). If the Sens are gonna match that, Joseph needs to be traded. I like Joseph, and ideally I'd actually like to keep him, he's just the only expendable player with a sizeable cap hit. Trading Joseph gives the Sens 2.95M MINUS the cap of his replacement. Let's say his replacement is Josh Bailey at ~1M, leaving a boost of 1.95M. Added to existing cap space, that's ~2.85M if we only have 12 Forwards, and ~2M if we have 13 forwards, which is ideal in case someone is struggling or if someone get hurt (but not hurt long enough to use LTIR). Replacing Parker Kelly with Smejkal takes another 100k away from what's available, leaving $1.9M. Trading Branny opens another 1.1M if he's replaced by Kleven (2M – 900k). That would be enough to sign Pinto, regardless of 12F or 13F on the roster.

    TLDR; keeping an extra player on the roster is ideal, but doesn't leave enough to sign Pinto even after moving Joseph. Ideally Branny also get's traded: this show has repeatedly discussed how he's not suited to a 3rd pairing role. If keeping 13 forwards, 7 dmen, 2 goalies, you can still have ~3M in cap space by moving Joseph and Branny. Trade Branny for a 2nd or 3rd (unfortunately a 3rd is more likely IMO), and then trade our 2nd + a 3rd (assuming that we get a 3rd for Bran) to get rid of Joseph. Philly wants a 1st rounder, but that's absurd. A 2nd and 3rd should get it done, whether in Philly or elsewhere.

  10. Brent love the podcast but my man, maybe take some Yoga to cool off. You seem rather abrasive lately and combatative with your co-hosts, it doesn't feel like an open discussion but emotional responses.

  11. Joseph is ONLY impactful in the top 6. Otherwise he’s not going produce.

    Who are our our 2C and 3C if Pinto hasn’t signed, and Norris can’t play? Geesus.

  12. If Josh Bailey gets signed this team has serious issues with loyalty bringing in an old vet that even in preseason looks awful when we have Greig, Sokolov, Jarventie, Crookshank, and Smejkal that have all been much better than him

  13. I wish some Ottawa pundit fans bashing Dorion for letting go of Lassi for nothing would listen to this guy. This stuff happens all the the time, first rounder gets passed by because of lack of progression and a decision gets made.

  14. Imagine Sens trade JBD, Kelly & Joseph with some sweetener, (while releasing Bailey) – to sign Pinto & play Smejkal & Jarventie. PD – do something…your on the clock. Do not sign Bailey!

  15. If JBD doesn’t improve a bit he could be sent down too, which means clearing waivers, which won’t happen. He’s not that big, not very physical and not very quick afoot but another team will take a chance on him. If Kleven makes the jump, then Brannstrom could move to the right side which could further push JBD down the pecking order. It would raise eyebrows to lose both JBD and Thomson as they’re both 3 year pros and former first rounders but they all don’t make the jump to the NHL.

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