@Sénateurs d'Ottawa

Table ronde des Sénateurs d’Ottawa – Sokolov et Bernard-Docker sur les renonciations, Pinto, les points forts de la pré-saison et plus

Dans cet épisode de la table ronde des sénateurs des écrivains de hockey, les écrivains des Sénateurs d’Ottawa Jacob Billington, Dayton Reimer et Paul Quinney se réunissent avec Alex Adams du podcast Behind the Play pour discuter de la mise en dérogation d’Egor Sokolov et Jacob Bernard-Docker, des sénateurs. mauvaise gestion du plafond, dernières nouvelles sur le contrat de Shane Pinto et faits marquants/déceptions de la pré-saison. 0:00 Introduction 3:23 Sokolov et Bernard-Docker sur les renonciations 14:12 Mauvaise gestion de la casquette des sénateurs 20:57 Pinto a offert 1 million de dollars pour 1 an 35:02 Points forts de la pré-saison 38:40 Joueurs décevants de la pré-saison Over/Under 46:05 Hamonic Plus/Moins de 41,5 matchs 48:16 Jarventie Plus/Moins de 14,5 matchs 51:15 Plus/Moins de 3,5 gardiens utilisés 53:52 Batherson Plus/Moins de 69,5 points L’équipe de la table ronde des Sénateurs est également d’excellents écrivains – Jacob Billington – https : //thehockeywriters.com/author/jbillington/ Paul Quinney – https://thehockeywriters.com/author/pquinney/ Dayton Reimer – https://thehockeywriters.com/author/dreimer/ Abonnez-vous à la sous-stack des Sénateurs d’Ottawa de The Hockey Writers pour tous le meilleur contenu des Sénateurs – https://thwottawasenators.substack.com/ Suivez The Hockey Writers : Twitter – https://twitter.com/TheHockeyWriter Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/thehockeywriters_ Facebook – https:// www.facebook.com/TheHockeyWriters/ THW Daily Substack – https://thehockeywriters.substack.com/ Graphiques de Vince Richard – https://www.behance.net/vincergraphics #senators #ottawasenators #nhl #roundtable


  1. Can Ottawa trade with arizona for one of their 1 year LTIR contracts and wait until the second day of the season to sign Pinto? I'm not sure how LTIR works exactly in a situation like this.

  2. Y'know I ain't one to demand unyielding positivity from my daily podcast listens, however the hysteria at times is hard to bear. Hammer and his contract have zero impact on the Pinto situation. How many 6th defenseman are out there will cost less than 1.1 million? JBD could have, but I guess he should have had a better camp huh? That's not bad asset management, it's the opposite. You want a veteran dman for cheap, find a better one at that price, I guarantee whoever you choose would become the next scapegoat for the lunatic fringe too. There's some out there desperate to turn Hammer into zaitsev, when in reality he isn't getting paid 4.5 or playing first pair, he actually decided to sign at about a third of what he made last year. He's steady enough and has value for his penalty killing alone.

    I think they want him here to guide and help mold klevin, after the trade deadline that is. Branny, mark my words, is a talented kid on a cheap contract that any team can fit at the deadline, they hope he'll be this years sandin. Which is why they'd be hesitant to ship him now for pennies to sign Pinto, who has zero leverage, and should be nervous seeing Greig and jarventie sniffing around his spot.

    Cap issues are down to tarasenko only.

    No body is ever going to read this so what's the difference.

  3. I disagree that JBD could make this bottom pair. Max guenette has shown far better than he has. JBD is a defensive defenseman with no offensive upside and defensive warts, you cant have that at the NHL. I trust a guenette/brannstrom pairing far more than JBD/brannstrom. Hamonic has alot of warts to his game as well, but there are situations where not only is he usable, but hes actually really good(thinking pk without the puck on his stick). As for egor, his archetype is a poor man's mark stone. Excellent hands, subpar skating, uses size to their advantage in D situations. The major things that seperate them are that stone has A+ vision and hockey IQ, while egor is average in those categories. I can see egor being a solid bottom 6 scorer in the league for years to come, but given everything I've seen with JBD, I'd be surprised if hes ever more than an injury call up for short term injuries. Guenette is a 7th round pick that roundly outplayed JBD in camp, and hes earned his spot here as a 6 or 7 D. JBD was given every chance to succeed, was even given a priority chance over Thomson (who outplayed him), and he still didnt seize the opportunity. What I will say, is if guenette works out, theres still negatives in terms of asset management for the former first rounders, but also some positives in developing a late round pick into an NHLer.

  4. Pinto's position is really based on two things if Josh Norris is healthy and Ridley Greig's development. Nothing else matters at this point.

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