@Ligue nationale de hockey

Trouba est-il allé trop loin ?

Trouba est-il allé trop loin ?



  1. Flyinghud

    Definitely should have been a boarding penalty

  2. TurtleRocket9

    Super dirty and deserves a suspension

  3. bogey-65

    Send it to Shanahan and the player safety commission for review…

  4. Isphet71

    Holy shit straight into the numbers and boards.

    1 or 2 games off to think about it I would bet.

  5. Strypes4686

    He needs to sit at least a couple. He better be spending opening night in street clothes.

  6. SimplyViolated

    The first hit super clean, technical. Second hit, dirty all fuck

  7. Terrible hit. Ran his chin right into the glass. He shouldn’t get to start the season… but he probably will

  8. Iliketomeow85

    Clean hit: KILL EM GET EM BOYZ

    Guy gets boarded into oblivion: well ya know it is what it is

  9. fastal_12147

    I think he might be hearing from the league for that one

  10. johannesBrost1337

    How’s my guy Toffoli? Did he make it out uninjured?

  11. StolenFace367

    He’s a piece of shit. He’s gone too far 100 times and he’ll continue to

  12. NorthboundUrsine

    Straight to hell.. All the way down.

  13. double-k

    Trouba crosses the line, we’ve seen it for years now. I hope he gets his bell rung real good this season.

  14. Epicbeing15

    Scumbag plays like this should life time bans. Tired of watching fuck sticks like Trouba throw hits like this with intent to injure

  15. specifichero101

    Trouba did this in response to Bahl’s clean hit. Complete plug.

  16. dkyguy1995

    I was like what are you guys talking about because I thought the post was about the initial hip check, then the Trouba hit happened..

  17. ProductTop8916

    I cant believe they gave Trouba the fucking C dude.. that pisses me off

  18. Vegetable-Parsnip-41

    Same thing happened with Cogliano from the AVS during the playoffs, nothing was called on Eberle, and he broke Cogs neck! The NHL refs suck I hope the other player Trouba hit will be okay. The stupid refs are supposed to always call these hits as penalties, they hardly do; just ridiculous!

  19. Relative_Employ_868

    88s first hit was clean, just like anything now in the NHL, make a big clean hit and still have to watch out for someone coming and doing you dirty like trouba. Take your guts like a man and know when to stop the hit because of how dangerous it is…

  20. Moose701

    Yup, seems about right. It’s the only thing Trouba can actually fucking do on the ice. Meaningless, dirty hits and it’s fucking preseason, no less.

  21. TrippyHomie

    It’s definitely dirty and uncalled for, catching his jaw on the dasher on the way down doesn’t help.

    I know people like to call every hit from Trouba dirty but this actually is. Should’ve been 5 for boarding and a player safety call at the minimum.

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