@Ducks d'Anaheim

La LNH ne laissera plus jamais cela se reproduire.

#nhl #hockey #torontomapleleafs #montrealcanadiens Lors de la finale de la Coupe Stanley de la LNH 2003, les Mighty Ducks d’Anaheim affronteraient les Devils du New Jersey. Après un coup sûr de Scott Stevens sur Paul Kariya, nous assisterions à un retour qui ne pourrait jamais se produire dans l’ère actuelle du hockey de la LNH. #philadelphiaflyers #anaheimducks


  1. Ugh, scott stevens, what a piece of crap. Watching this all over again, breaks my heart again for Paul Kariya

  2. Tbh Scott Stevens should be removed from Hockey Hall of Fame. The guy is a violent asshole.

  3. Stevens was trash. Asshole was always leading with his elbow. He did the same thing to Lindros.

  4. Stevens should've been suspended indefinitely for his dirty hits. He pretty much ended lindros career. He obviously hit with intent of injury. When players are like him that consistently hit dirty or are just grimy and loose canoons or complete ice cancer like Tony D'Angelo, Sean Avery, Wilson etc, they should be sent to the minors or home packing. I love a good hard clean hit and fighting but hate seeing guys being carried out.

  5. Fantastic video on the 20th anniversary of this horrendous hit. Kariya made hockey great. Stevens made hockey brutal.

  6. Lol Stevens laid that fool out. Gotta keep your head on a swivel. 100% Kariya's own fault, just like Lindross.

  7. And Stevens did the same thing to Eric Lindros. A friend of mine worked as a bouncer at a strip bar in London, ON in the late 1980s/early 1990s and had a run in with Scott Stevens one night, Stevens was being a drunken asshole to the dancers so my friend told it was time to go. Stevens pulled the "you don't know who you're messing with routine", my friend who was a giant of a man at 6'5" 260lbs replied with "neither do you". Stevens left, not entirely under his power.

  8. I remember watching kariya as a kid when I use to play pee wee hockey he was one of the best clearly one of the fastest players of his time on the nhl.. cool

  9. Good hit. L comments by Stone after. As a team captain, talking down about players competing for spots on their team. Would you tell your own prospects they don’t have talent and won’t be playing another game with you?

  10. Kariya was an asshole to kids when Anaheim had nobody else. Huge disappointment, hockey players in general are super humble he wasn’t on two occasions. Selanne on the other hand one of the greatest players to meet.

  11. Uhhh the hit was not late, stevens just finished his check. Play the clip at game speed and not a half second went by after kariya moved the puck before the impact. Was not a head shot either, straight shoulder through the body. Stevens never left his feet, nor did he clip his head or extend an elbow. Scott can’t help that Paul’s head was shoulder level. Kariya should’ve been aware of his surroundings in a dangerous area instead of watching his pass.

    Just because it was a big hit and kariya was injured does not make it an illegal hit. Would have been a suspension today because people are soft, but that is a textbook open ice hit, what else was Stevens supposed to do?

  12. 7:30 wow I love that quote
    “Off the Floor, On the Board”
    That’s some poetic commentating right there

  13. Life long Duck fan, grew up watching Paul. Will always be one of my favorite players and one of the best I ever saw play. I remember that happening to him and was so sad. A, barely teen, don't want to age myself completely, didn't really understand what was happening. All I knew was he got hurt and came back.

    Looking back, I'm PISSED that this happened to him and consider him one of the toughest SOBs I have ever seen despite it! The fact literally NOTHING was done about it pisses me off till this day!!!

  14. I swear hockey players aren't even human. Lots of people go down with cramps, rolling their ankles, or whatever, and they're out. I agree that cramps and rolling an ankle can be rather painful and I would sit out for some time if that happened to me. Kariya just waltzes back out onto the ice five minutes later like it's the beginning of the game after being unconscious for a couple minutes.

  15. It's crazy how much the game has evolved with dealing with concussions now, even if I someone gets a gentle hit in the head they'll be getting pulled because the spotters think they see symptoms to the player even if the player looks good to play

  16. I miss when hockey was actually watchable. Now the NHL is just bullshit leftist politics. I miss the early to mid 2000’s

  17. I remember that game and series well. Certainly was not pulling for the Ducks, but that is one of the greatest in game returns in the history and is akin to Bobby Baun's legendary comeback in '64.

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