@Blues de Saint-Louis

Sujet d’après-match : Blackhawks de Chicago contre St Louis Blues – 07 octobre 2023

2023010111 STL gagne, 3 – 5 .

[NHL.com Boxscore](https://www.nhl.com/gamecenter/2023010111) LGB Si vous remarquez une erreur avec ce bot [click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=TeroTheTerror&subject=HockeyMod Issue&message=Subreddit:%0A%0AIssue:) pour envoyer un message à TeroTheTerror.



  1. veni_vidi_eh

    The young guys really made it hard to pick who goes down to the AHL.

  2. LineMenArePeople_2

    Tucker had a tough game. A lot of turnovers. He’s been pretty solid, so I’ll chalk it up to an off night.

  3. BaroqueNRoller

    I took a peek at the shot map. 4/5 goals came from between the crease and the circles. Grain of salt being preseason and all, BUT that’s an area this team was lacking in last season so hopefully it’s a sign of things to come.

  4. dixie12oz

    I thought they overall looked good. Our top guys were just playing around and dominating. Looks like that puck movement we had the season prior is back. A few defensive hiccups but hopeful that’s because we didn’t have many regulars in the line up. I don’t know how this season will go but I do think we’ll bounce back at least somewhat.

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