@Devils du New Jersey

[James Nichols] Mercer travaille avec Meier et Hischier dans les exercices.

Autres choses à noter : Haula n’est pas sur la glace aujourd’hui, donc Lazar prend sa place sur le troisième trio et Holtz patine avec lui et Palat.



  1. JerseyDvl

    Safe to say the « Haula is fine, just a day off » from a few days ago was a load of b.s.

  2. MountainBaker8217

    Here are the lines from practice for those wondering:




  3. mustachiolong

    Saw this coming with the way Lindy has been talking in interviews about the Timo-Nico-Holtz line.

    This might help Holtz out though. Palat and Haula have been showing chemistry for a while now. Having a “sniper” with them could help for sure and this alleviates the pressure on Holtz to live up to the Timo-Nico line. Gotta remember last year that Big Z and Boqvist were often our 3rd liners so that’s why Holtz had a rougher time.

  4. thedirewolff21

    I need to know what is up with Nolan Foote. Also Holtz on the 3rd line in any combo is not putting him a position to succeed. Give him 5-7 games in the top 6 and let him sink or swim. We need clarity on him this year. Is he gunna grab a roster spot? or is he gunna be traded?

  5. DontDraftSmall

    The Devils had 3 first round picks in 2020. Dawson Mercer at 18 who is the number 3 scorer from that draft (close to Raymond at 2). Shak at 18 who was the centerpiece of the Meier trade. Holtz at 7 who has languished at the margins. It was a great draft year by Fitz.

  6. MrMooMoo91

    Rather see Foote over Nosek but I think they want Nosek for his strong PKs which he showed in Boston last year. Nosek hasn’t look good at all imo. Might even rather have Willman try the 4th line dude was inspired every game I saw.

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