@Canucks de Vancouver

[Paterson] Tocchet dit que Soucy est « de semaine en semaine »

[Paterson] Tocchet dit que Soucy est « de semaine en semaine »



  1. electricnux

    More updates:
    > Blueger (bruise) wanted to finish practice, but Tocchet said he kicked him off the ice.

    > Beauvillier fighting flu that is going around

  2. Twinbladey

    It’s already happening… there’s no escape.

  3. carry-on_replacement

    “Everything that could go wrong has already gone wrong” my ass, Canucks always find a way to surprise.

    Thankfully our systems haven’t depended too much on these 3 and Beau and Bluegar’s conditions shouldn’t persist for long

  4. Catakillar

    I’m not against us making a trade for another versatile Dman. It may help safeguard us in case of any further injuries this season.

  5. nite_awol

    Canuck luck is a real. He payed 78 games plus playoffs for Seattle last season and we can’t even get him to avoid injury in two preseason games.

  6. PaperweightCoaster

    Everyone shitting bricks right now but also realize the season hasn’t even started yet. If there’s a time to nurse an injury so it heals properly, it’s now. If we were down to the wire, Soucy would be day to day and everyone else playing.

    The season is an 82 game grind, let’s fucking go.

  7. travworld

    That’s about as expected after seeing them send down Wolanin and call up Hirose right away. Definitely shows they favour Hirose over Wolanin for opening night too.

  8. Reddititfortat

    Am I the only one who’s kind of excited for a guy like Hirose to get some playing time???

    I loved what I saw from him last year. No disrespect to soucy but he looked a bit “meh” in the preseason. I do love his size tho.

  9. Canucks always use 12 – 15 defensemen. Management and fans need to realize this is normal for the west coast.

  10. With Canucks week to week has often mean month to month or gone for the season.

  11. barelyincollege

    Current defense:

    Hughes – McWard

    Cole – Hronek

    Hirose – Myers

    That is…a defense.

  12. Talax604

    Why is everyone so sure it’s Hughes and McWard?

    Why nit Hughes and Juulsen?

    Juulsen was solid last game

  13. CuffMcGruff

    On the bright side it gives new additions Hirose along with mcward a real chance to develop their games this year. I’ve liked the poise both have shown and it would be huge for our team if they both prove to be bona-fide nhl’s. We are due for another tanev

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