@Devils du New Jersey

Je dois dire que je suis d’accord avec le commentaire du haut : rien de bon ne peut sortir de ce mélange.

Je dois dire que je suis d’accord avec le commentaire du haut : rien de bon ne peut sortir de ce mélange.



  1. For the record, I have close friends in Israel and think this is absolutely insane. never did I expect something like this to go down, and I hope for a just resolution. But why is a hockey team so far removed from this situation chiming in and taking on a side on literally the most complex and controversial geopolitical issue in the world. The only result will be alienating 50% of people.

  2. mortycakes

    But pride isn’t an issue? Or Ukraine? It’s the owner who is Jewish so it’s his team he can say what he wants

  3. OnceAndFutureCrappy

    Totally fine with the owners using their platform to stand with innocent Israeli citizens being attacked. This kind of violence is always so effing tragic. I do take a bit of umbrage at the idea that the State of Israel is some innocent victim (and by extension, the U.S.) in all of this, though. I would much rather see a message calling for peace in the face of fear and recognizing the incredible wrong doings of both sides over what is truly a conflict that goes back thousands of years. Without that nuance, concepts like this are often used to justify the escalation of violence. Just ask cable news…. and the warships we just sent…

  4. Midnight_Mustard

    I have to say personally I’m so proud when I hear how much good this organization is doing overall. They really care about their community which is asking a lot considering it’s Newark lol…and beyond so I understand people come here for a break from the ugly world but idk, I’m really glad to see how in touch with real life events bigger than sport.

  5. Chico-_-

    We don’t need another thread about it tbh, enough fighting going on in the first one lol but yeah there was no reason for the owners to show their whole ass in support of a genocide today

  6. Sauronsindexfinger

    I’m not a big fan of social justice causes front and center of my favorite sports teams as I view them as entertainment and representative pride for my home. I don’t turn on a Devils game looking for the pride stuff or the war support stuff. In fact I turn it on so that I can escape the ugly world we live In. That being said, sometimes events are bigger than we realize and recognizing them is the right thing.

  7. So I’m Jewish..not religious, but I have distant friends in Israel, including some soldiers or former soldiers. This just sucks all around. The whole situation does and it seems hopeless. I don’t personally mind the Devils make a statement about this. Just other Jews being sad. If you think that Israel deserved it, that’s fine with me, but I know I just feel very sad, and it’s nice to not feel alone and sad.

  8. LionHeart_1990

    You can stand up for the Israeli people who were murdered by terrorists.

    You can stand up for the Palestinian people who are not associated with Hamas and who are treated horribly by Israel and other entities.

    You can condemn Hamas.

    These three things aren’t exclusive. You can support the good while condemning the bad.

    I have no issues with the Devils statement

  9. yung-Carlo

    Nah we must speak out against modern Pogroms. This is barbaric, backwards and remnants of a long and dark history.

  10. Redditfront2back

    This is not a wild take, your a fucking lunatic if you think this controversial. Standing with a Israel after hundreds of civilians are murdered doesn’t make you a Zionist, just empathic. You can vocalize that this is disgusting and still criticize Israeli actions . It’s not mutually exclusive. The world is hardly ever black and white.

  11. Phantomflight

    You do know over 1000 civilians were killed? This is nothing like the rocket attacks every few years. It’s an act of war. Pretty nonpartisan to condemn that ya weirdo.

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