@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Répartition des échanges LFR – Les Maple Leafs envoient Sam Lafferty aux Canucks !

Steve Dangle analyse l’accord entre les Maple Leafs de Toronto et les Canucks de Vancouver qui a vu Sam Lafferty échangé contre un choix de 5e ronde. Qu’est-ce que cela signifie pour l’alignement de la soirée d’ouverture des Maple Leafs ? Ensuite, Martin Jones a été renoncé… et maintenant ? SDPN : https://www.sdpn.ca/ SDPN DISCORD : https://discord.com/invite/MtTmw9rrz7 LIVRE : https://bit.ly/2I9hmWP LIVRE AUDIO : https://bit.ly/2GIgYya phoques de Pâques : https://bit.ly/3vcBVug


  1. isn't the point to have depth. I worry you have 2 go down then you are compromising. anyway. these are cap problems

  2. After seeing Lafferty in Chicago I felt he was quite good. Glad he moved to a team that I like watching (depsite their tendency too not make the playoffs).

  3. What are the Canucks doing? They’re wayyyy over the cap and they’re buying assets. Wild. Leafs are going to sign Gregor to cover this departure

  4. So the leafs were so desperate they had to ship out a useful
    player, over a lousy million bucks. Sounds like just pure cap mismanagement and signing guys for far to much (hello core five). La plus ca change…

  5. Would be smart to turn around and use that Vancouver pick to get Jones back when Tampa is done with him so long as he can go straight to the AHL after the trade and not pass through waivers again.

  6. Toronto had to do something to get under the salary cap after given Matthews his new contract. They still have to find a way to pay Nylander next off season. Yes, the Salary Cap is going up, but not enough to afford the price tag Nylander will want.

  7. Bring up Cowan or Gregor those 2 we're amazing in the preseason and a line of Knies Cowan and Jarnkrok or a young gun line of Knies, Minten and Cowan/Gregor would be amazing and Jarnkrok on the 4th line is a luxery VERY few teams have.

  8. 4:00 … IT'S TORONTO! Someone was going to grab Lafferty, even if it was just to screw over Toronto.

    Also, having a GM in the other conference who you are comfortable making trades with is useful. I suspect this won't be the only Leafs / Canucks trade this year.

  9. Kind of feels like that old adage: … You have to give something to get something. He’s like a decent knockoff Swiss Army Knife! Vancouver will be able to wiggle him into their lineup; good trade.

  10. Yes, Vancouver could have picked up SL on waivers, but they didn’t because the Canucks management are a bunch of clowns who have no clue about building a great team. This is why Canuck fans will suffer through yet another lack luster season.

  11. Serious question, why does everyone think Martin Jones gets claimed? He's been 0.900 or below the past 5 seasons. He hasn't been good in a long time.

  12. I love how this trade was made to free up cap space yet Vancouver keeps making moves that put them more and more over the cap 😂 wtf are they doing?

  13. I know some may not like hearing this but the Leafs are headed downhill. I’m sorry but this lineup is nothing to get excited about. In fact the new GM is just like the old GM. We’ll keep the top four overrated overhyped talent and just replace the surrounding cast around them with other crappy minor league players. It unreal that the Sens and Habs are catching up to the Leafs after drafting properly and making the right organization moves. All while the leafs are heading downhill. But wait the leafs have another saviour Fraser Minten who did okay in preseason where hockey and nothing matters. Look at the defence and what have the leafs drafted that makes you excited about the future. Oh darn the topic was about the Sam Lafferty trade sorry for going off topic here. I personally think the leafs lost their toughest player on the team. During the playoffs who was the only leaf player with a set of balls that was gonna to knock the F out of Gudas after he was taking cheapshots against his teammates. Your reward for that is getting traded to the Canucks.

  14. He was never going to hit waivers, Mirtle reported multiple teams were in on him and Canucks had the best offer. But he was still getting moved before having to place him on waivers.

  15. going to call it now leafs don't get out the first round this year. Did nothing to address the goaltending or the defence added a bunch of forwards, now trading guys with experience to play rookies who will gas out after the all star break, clearly a recipe for a early summer. Mark my words.

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