@Canucks de Vancouver

Pourquoi maintenant? Lafferty échange les Canucks et les Leafs

Voici mes réflexions sur l’échange des Canucks de Vancouver et des Maple Leafs de Toronto contre Sam Lafferty. Pour me suivre sur Twitter : https://twitter.com/KempnerCanucks Merci d’avoir regardé Kempner Canucks ! Si vous voulez du contenu Canuck passionné, réaliste et honnête, cliquez sur le bouton J’aime et vous abonnez. Merci pour votre aide. Musique : Escapade – Poudre [YouTube Audio]

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  1. smart trade. i don't think they wanted to go with studnika. this guy is big and gritty and cips in with scoring.

  2. on the new cdc forum i asked the question, am i the only one who wants another hard to play against forward. no one answered me. i was more interested in getting one to play with petey and koz. that would have allowed mikheyev to play with miller and boeser, while diguiseppe and joshua could both move down a line. that would have had some toughness on all 4 lines. now then can have harder to play against wingers on 3 lines. we still need a d-man to play with hughes and a tougher wnger to play with petey. i don't mind this trade but have to hope he is an upgrade on studnika. maybe if they can trade a high priced winger they can get hughes' partner. cheers lad.

  3. Throw enough shet at the wall some will stick. A fifth is slightly more valuable than a bag of pucks.

    Find a player being held back in another organization, give him a chance

  4. We have given up way to many picks and done to many deals with Toronto. they are having a great time giving us their trash guys the ones who don't fit into their plans. Sam is a solid bottom 6 guy. but we could have waited until the Leafs had no choice to put him on waivers. Allvin and Rutherford were not patiant enough if Sam turns out to be another bust I'll be pissed. because every pick matters to a Franchise who lacks them.

  5. Vanucks d is solid. And cheaper than before. Wait until the season is into December. We're going to be ok

  6. I like the trade! He ads depth on bottom lines and also bring grit. Plus he is very good skater. He is also very good on the PK which was desperately needed.

    I am not sure they are done yet? The Canucks have been in talks with Columbus who have a stock pile on defence and need more experience on the forward end.

  7. As a Leafs fan, you got a good player for a 5th round mystery pick.

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