@Islanders de New York

L’ère éphémère de John Spano en tant que propriétaire des insulaires

Il a finalement été emprisonné pour fraude et autres accusations connexes, puis renvoyé en prison lorsqu’il a tenté à nouveau d’escroquer des années plus tard. La LNH a appris une dure leçon avec celui-ci. Rejoignez cette chaîne pour accéder aux avantages : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_AFyA9FqrZ57bb9QRH77wg/join (Mise à jour) Utilisez le code « thgsentme » sur Bench Clearers pour 15 % de réduction : https://benchclearers.com/ ?aff=7&fbclid=IwAR17EPrmSq70Qy24SEfLQo6TNUng_5fkdhl-4Afcmjo6vd2lyp9diuCtKFA Commandez des maillots chez Ben H Sports tout en économisant 10 % sur les prix eBay indiqués en lui envoyant un e-mail concernant les maillots que vous repérez dans ses annonces. ben.hoogenband@yahoo.ca Dites-lui simplement que c’est Shannon qui vous envoie. Soutenez The Hockey Guy via Patreon https://www.patreon.com/thehockeyguy Rejoignez le serveur Discord : https://discord.com/invite/thehockeyguy?fbclid=IwAR0lJA5oRBUNjF0Summt6Dm72vPinjGfv7OMisjM66nan9giCjTMXWycZuM https://www.facebook.com/youtubehockeyguy/ Suivre moi sur Twitter : @thgofyoutube Instagram : thgshannon TheHockeyGuy.yt@gmail.com Contactez-moi par courrier postal à : The Hockey Guy PO Box 15038 Seven Oaks PO Abbotsford, BC V2S 8P1 Aux États-Unis : Shannon Skanes 1125 Fir Avenue Suite 119 Blaine, WA 98230


  1. I vaguely remember this as i was still in middle/high school at that time. 🤣😂”i don’t know he was in the parking lot and said he was a really good goaltender”🤣🤣

  2. Relating to the carpet stealing story, I’ve always said you can get away with so much if you just look like you know what you’re doing lol. Just be confident and no one questions you.

  3. As someone who lived through this entire incident and appeared briefly in the 30 for 30 documentary, everything Shannon says is correct. Permit me to add a couple of additional points:
    1 – Spano grew up in Pittsburgh and was a huge Penguins fan his whole life. That's how he got to know Mario Lemieux and how he conned him out of $1M.
    2 – Denis Potvin was offered Presidency of the Islanders, but on condition that he loan Spano $1M. Whether he didn't have $1M laying around or smelled a rat, Denis never gave him the money.
    3 – Before Pickett "sold" the team to Spano, the Islanders were run by a group of 4 managers who had the title of owner, but had no real control over the team as Pickett set the budget. Of those 4 owners, also referred to as the "Gang of 4", 2 of them (Stephen Walsh, Paul Greenwood) went to prison. So if you add in Spano, Roy Boe, and Sanjay Kumar, the Islanders have had 5 owners who ended up behind bars. Wang should have been the 6th along with Kumar but the Feds couldn't prove anything. He was, however, forced by the SEC to repay a $600M bonus he paid himself and his own Board of Directors fired him.

  4. Did any heads roll from the NHL's side after that fiasco? I mean someone must've been responsible for checking the financial reports.

  5. As a truck ad-hoc courier I turn up to a place and say I have something to pick up. 98 times out of 100 they just take my word for it. Makes me wonder how easy it would be to do a carpet job.

  6. I also really liked these jerseys too, I really liked the Fisherman logo too, though I agree the original was better.

  7. Hey man I'm from Edmonton, and I love what you do man, been watching your content for about 2 years now. Everyday after work ill come home and throw on a THG video and catch up on what happened that day in the hockey universe, you and Dangle, you guys are great, the future of hockey entertainment/analysis. I would honestly like if instead of ron, cassy, bieksa. THG Steve Dangle, and the guys from bardown did the intermissions

  8. This is why it’s good for expansion teams should be good immediately. If it were not for the dynasty years, the Islanders would not have survived the late 1990’s. The dynasty years generated so much good will and support, they can whether this fiasco and make Bettman work to keep the team in NY

  9. We need the desk. We spoke to Jeff or Stan. Oh you spoke to Jeff? It's OK guys, Jeff said we're getting new stuff today.

  10. No offense, dude, but all you really did here was summarize the ESPN 30 For 30. I was an Islanders season ticket holder during the Spano fiasco, and trust me; even Kevin Connolly’s version pales in comparison to the actual squeamishness and embarrassment felt by the fans during that time. If you lived through it, you know. And you never forget.

  11. Love your history videos Shannon; it is absolutely bonkers this happened… thank you sir!

  12. The second you say you like that jersey, I find it really hard to take you seriously. I’m learning that you’re not an islanders guy and are wearing that jersey for the purpose of this video. To islanders fans, that jersey represents a DARK and upsetting era in our history as well as a sad time in nhl history in the 90’s of rinky dink, cheesy hockey jerseys

    And you said that after a year of the fisherman’s logo they went “back to this”. What you’re wearing was a a compromise. They didn’t go “back to that” which implies it’s the jersey they wore two years earlier.

  13. Spano was certainly bold, but also nuts. What on earth possessed him to think he could buy a multi million dollar NHL organization, we may never know. 30 For 30 "Big Shot" was a great episode in telling this story.

  14. they need to move the islanders what a redundant team location. Move em to Quebec City or Hartford

  15. Gary Bettman should have been ousted as commissioner after the Spano-Islanders scandal because he didnt learn anything after the Bruce McNall-Kings situation. If you look at both situations, they're basically the same thing, except McNall lasted 6yrs longer as owner of the Kings. Plus, McNall was the man who is responsible for getting Gary Bettman into the NHL as its first commish!

  16. There's always been grifters who could charm banks/investors into financing them ridiculous amounts of money, while hard working people are treated like garbage by banks. People like Nelson Skalbania, who bought and sold a few hockey teams in his time. It's all about the gift of schmoozing and staying ahead of the creditors in a game of musical chairs.

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