@Jets de Winnipeg

Qu’est-ce qui a poussé Scheifele et Hellebuyck à signer un contrat à long terme à Winnipeg ?

Jay Onrait a été rejoint par les analystes de TSN Hockey, Craig Button et Mike Johnson, pour discuter des prolongations signées par Mark Scheifele et Connor Hellebuyck pour demeurer avec les Jets de Winnipeg à long terme.


  1. Prior to the deal, which team do you think would have snagged Connor Hellebuyck?

  2. TSN is so much better than Sportsnet, wish all the Canadian games were broadcast by here on TSN

  3. Good deal for the Jets ( excellent) and love Craig's skin tone coloured socks 🙂

  4. I think Dale Hawerchuk (Scheifele's Mentor) acknowledging that he wishes he had stayed in Winnipeg his whole career has something to do with 55 sticking around.

  5. Im not canadian, but what is it with this "oh for winnipeg this is a good deal" "nobody will sign in winnipeg". They play hockey to win, what type of real winner cares about silly stuff like the weather. They are not there to enjoy the weather, they are there to win

  6. Mike Johnson is an Idiot but he was definitely paid to be the bad guy like every network

  7. What lead to Sheifele and Hellybuyck signing with the Jets. What other team would have given them $8.5 mil for 7 years. If anything the Jets organization just gave themselves some room in order to dump these two whiners anytime they want.

  8. It gives jets If they still wanted to be traded more value teams interested would be getting rentals now or not knowing aav.

    If jets are going for it only thing I can are on team as weakness is a clear #2 dman. Ex fox has trouba,makar,has byram/toews/Girard,Hedman has Sergachev,Now Letang and Karlsson.
    Morrissey deserves a top guy play with instead demelo. Give heinola a spot
    Rest of roster is good and prospects Lambert,Mcgroarty,Lucius,Barlow,chibrikov,salomonsson,zhilkin ect future is good just need that dman. They should try move out Schmidt/Pionk contract and get a guy like Sanheim,Pesce,or last year went after Provorov.

  9. Both guys claim they want to win, but they signed in Winnipeg… Ok.

    Mike Johnson is right: Guaranteed Scheifele thought there would be more demand for him in the trade market. Based on his offensive production, tons of teams would be interested, BUT it turns out teams want Centres who've heard of back-checking and play in the d-zone.

  10. Hellebuyck does a game that seems will translate well into old age.

    He's not an athletic goalie diving everywhere, very quiet positionally sound game.

    This keeps a playoff window open for next 4-5 years in a market that's hard to sign free agents.

    There's Arizona to dump these contracts down the line lol

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