@Flyers de Philadelphie

Table ronde des diffuseurs : une nouvelle ère pour les dépliants et le stand

Timmy Saunders et Jim Jackson sont rejoints par les NOUVEAUX co-animateurs et membres de l’équipe de diffusion, Brian Boucher et Todd Fedoruk, pour discuter de l’état des Flyers à l’aube de la saison 2023-24.


  1. The Flyers will be a better team this year, it will be incremental, but they won't go backwards anymore.
    Should be a fun season.
    Go Flyers!

  2. I met Todd when he was a member of the Flyers. He was getting married at the church where I worked. Myself, and a friend of mine, kinda surpirse him and his (then) fiancé with a request for autographs. He was so kind and patient with us. I'll never forget it. Thanks Todd!

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