@Ligue nationale de hockey

Connor Bédard 1er but dans la LNH

Connor Bédard 1er but dans la LNH



  1. live4lax25

    Congratulations, we’ll earned. Now cut that shit out

  2. stupid_mans_idiot

    This Connor kid might be good at hockey.

  3. Which_Trash_5843

    Not relevant. Didn’t score 4 goals in 6 minutes. What a let down.

  4. Jolly_Job_9852

    Congrats Connor! First assist against the Pens and first goal against the Bruins. Maybe he doesn’t like black and yellow as colors choices

  5. No_Tea_9845

    Every time he’s on the ice he has had chances. Kids legit

  6. SpringrolI

    Connor: *Does anything*

    Hockey fans: We will watch your career with great interest

  7. BadDecisions720

    Glad he put one in. Would be awful to hear all hockey media talk about it taking him too long to score his first goal.

  8. ImSocialist

    First of many to come. Congratulations Connor!

  9. Bryan_Waters

    Now let’s see him sing the Fresh Prince song!

  10. SwagOD_FPS

    Kids creating every shift. Looks fantastic.

  11. baumer028

    NBC wants to set him up with a Kentucky Derby horse named Swifty.

  12. Spocks-Nephew

    I’m glad he got his first goal against such a great franchise.

  13. Ben_Pharten

    That’s gotta count for 10 in the stats right?

  14. surfleonardo

    Okay, time to cool down now. All the hype is too much, shall we focus on other players too. I don’t hate the kid, just the constant attention around him.

  15. SchemeSignificant166

    He’s just warming up


  16. BucksBrew

    The pass when he entered the zone was 🤌🏻

  17. Beneficial_Speech365

    Get used to being hated in the building kiddo.

  18. garbagebailkid

    I love that he went NHL93 for his first.

  19. nothinbutshame

    He’s actually panning out…so glad I watched him in juniors.

  20. FrozenFishHead41968

    Good for him. Looking forward to following this kids career playing for one of teams I like the least. The one take away from his assist and goal first 2 games is he’s just having fun.

  21. the_which_stage

    All I can say is fuck the blackhawks

  22. Havoc_XXI

    That’s a nice first goal, I like it. Good for him. Got the first points and first goal outta the way.

  23. jholden23

    Makes me physically ill that he is playing for chicago. Gahd.

  24. SyphiliticPlatypus

    Great heads up play with fast skates and hands.

    Really fun to watch him net his first. Many, many more coming.

  25. OCMagikStick

    This kid is gonna get broken in half.
    I’m all for young talent but… these are still kids.

  26. sunnieside-gemm

    This wrap around and score will be looked back when he wins the Calder Memorial Trophy. I have expectations for this kid, and he hasn’t disappointed one bit

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