@Red Wings de Détroit

Helene St. James sur X : « Derek Lalonde dit que les Red Wings vont 12 et 6 ce soir, Olli Määttä est un homme étrange. »

Helene St. James sur X : « Derek Lalonde dit que les Red Wings vont 12 et 6 ce soir, Olli Määttä est un homme étrange. »



  1. Isphet71

    Well that’s unexpected after all the 11-7 talk.

    But I like it.

    I love Maatta; but in this case the wings are probably going to have to outscore the Devils to win. And Maatta doesn’t really help with that.

  2. Disappointed. I know they wouldn’t scratch Holl or Chiarot, but imo Maataa better than them both.

  3. Did we call someone up? I thought we only had 11 forwards right now

    Edit: nvm I miscounted earlier lol

  4. coltron57

    A little disappointing to see a guy we extended just a few months ago for $3MM scratched, but Määttä is the path of least resistance since he’s a left shot and the team LOVES Chiarot. Gotta think Olli won’t be scratched every game and that they’ll rotate though.

  5. Ichbinian

    Yzerman sang Maatta’s praises in the off-season. How can you NOT have him in the starting lineup? Slap in the face.

    Don’t get me wrong, I’m a huge Yzerman fan and a believer in the Yzerplan, but I don’t get the logjam own goal.

  6. He may be sick or slight injury. Trust my brothers and sisters.

  7. Basic_Ask1885

    Cmon guys it’s one game, it doesn’t even Määttä

  8. non_target_eh

    Jesus. Defensive Lines 2-3 are gonna look stuck in the mud against Jersey.

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