@Ducks d'Anaheim

Répartition du match 1 de pré-saison de Jackson LaCombe

Nous examinons ici les deux buts de Jackson LaCombe lors du match d’ouverture de la pré-saison des Ducks d’Anaheim. Soutenez le podcast : Abonnez-vous à notre flux Twitch en direct twitch.tv/crashthepond Devenez mécène Patreon : patreon.com/crashthepond Ou laissez-nous un avis sur Apple Podcasts


  1. You're confusing the two Kings players on the first goal. The Kings player you circle in the defensive zone is 89, which is the guy that McGinn takes with him on his center lane drive. 37 on the Kings who gets beat by LaCombe is in the lower left of the screen in the defensive zone camera shot. Everything else was correct, but not quite as brutal for the Kings guy haha.

  2. Tighter, smaller, circles. Straighter, definitive, lines. Concise comments. Your progression as an analyst is moving along quite nicely…

  3. Last two games he played he passed my eye test. Reminds me of Marcus Pettersson when he was on the ducks, looks defensively sound. Looked good on Sunday but it was against mostly prospects which is why i used last season.

  4. really enjoying these videos so far, awesome in depth breakdowns in longer form than you get from tv analysts. is a Zellwegger one in the works?

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