@Bruins de Boston

C’était honnêtement assez hilarant

Lors du match des Bruins de Boston contre les Blackhawks de Chicago hier soir, Brad Marchand a fait de son mieux pour accueillir Connor Bedard dans la LNH. Cette intersaison avec la légende des Bruins Patrice Bergeron raccrochant les patins, les Bruins avaient besoin de nommer leur prochain capitaine. Ils ont opté pour la menace de la LNH, Brad Marchand, et je ne savais tout simplement pas comment il s’intégrerait dans le rôle de capitaine, surtout avec Patrice qui avait la réputation opposée d’avoir été un leader aussi stoïque. Je me demandais un peu, avec le C sur la poitrine, verrions-nous un nouveau Marchand en ce 100e anniversaire des Bruins ? Je suis heureux de vous annoncer qu’il n’a pas changé du tout ! Il a trollé de manière hilarante Bédard pour l’accueillir dans la ligue sur le banc des Bruins. J’en parle, du PREMIER but de Bédard dans la LNH et bien plus encore dans la vidéo de hockey de la LNH d’aujourd’hui ! #NHL #connorbedard #bradmarchand #bostonbruins #chicagoblackhawks #hockey


  1. Imagine feeling the need to tell reporters “you’re bigger” than a kid who just joined the league

    grown ass man lookin like an insecure little girl

  2. Everybody who isn’t a Bruins fans would take Marchand on their team in a heartbeat.

  3. "I'm going to the bench now, no matter where you're standing, new guy". . It's actually good to show Bedard he needs to give some space and be aware without embarrassing him.

  4. Not a Marchand fan, but I appreciate him for who he is and how he plays. Getting messed with by Marchand is a rite of passage in the NHL. I saw him tie up Bedard live and, even as a lifelong Hawks fan, I was laughing and thought it was a great moment and no harm caused.

  5. Sorry but I have loved Marshy since he put on the spoked B.. Regardless of some of his bonehead moments, he has done so much for the city on and off the ice.

  6. Marchy is going be a great captain. He showed it last season when he Pasta and Mac stepped up when bergy got injured last year.

  7. This kid is special, but damn… I really am getting tired of hearing him every second of the day….

  8. Thank you for sparing us from hearing Jack Edwards’ grating “I’m a nerd that talks tough” voice.

  9. Thought my Hawks played the B's pretty straight up, considering how they were playing their 2nd game in 24 hours.

  10. It was borderline kidnapping! Someone needs to teach teach Bedard about stranger danger.

  11. I’m a lifelong Hawks fan and I’m glad we got the kid but I also love these welcome to the NHL moments!

  12. I hated Marchand (and the entire bruins roster thanks to the 2011 spanking they gave to the canucks). But then I realized that Marchand was like the league's very own caricature artist on the ice. He's got an awesome off-ice personality, and his knack for playing the villain is oddly charming, adding some much-needed spice to this dry ass league. I was quite surprised when he got the captaincy, but now I'm genuinely excited to see how he'll do this year!

  13. From a life time Bruins fan, this was hilarious. All in good fun. Both teams played amazing and it was a great game. Hate the way the Bruins won tho. Big time help from the refs. Dirty hit boarding call, nothing. Bedard getting tripped and hosed, no call. The nhl needs to clean it up. The officiating is awful and my team looked bad last night because of it. I hate winning that way

  14. You can't expect to come into the league without a vet welcoming you to the show. He's gunna get a lottt of attention.

  15. If Marchand would just limit his antics to expert shit stirrer, and not escalate to dirty player he would be loved league wide.
    He's a great player, he doesn't have to do this, he's Loki, the trickster and a great guy off the ice by all accounts.
    I just don't get the dirty, dangerous stuff, totally unnecessary.

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