@Red Wings de Détroit

Alex DeBrincat marque en avantage numérique à son premier match avec les Red Wings !

Alex DeBrincat marque en avantage numérique à son premier match avec les Red Wings !



  1. On_Wings_Of_Pastrami

    What a keep by Mo to help keep the pressure. Great seeing Cat get his first.

  2. whatsyanamejack

    Anyone else over Jeff Petry already? Been watching him all game. He is not it. Give aways galore, icing calls a plenty including the one to set up the Hamilton goal, and just not very good. Oh and a nice timely penalty down 3-2.

  3. Ph1llyth3gr8

    Beautiful snipe. Sad the game didn’t go our way but the boys didn’t play well after the 1st period.

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