@Ligue nationale de hockey

Le gardien le plus détesté

Qui est votre gardien de but le plus détesté et pourquoi est-ce Jordan Binnington ? Mais honnêtement, est-ce que tout le monde déteste ce type autant que moi ou est-ce mon parti pris pour Avalanche ?



  1. fastal_12147

    Nah he sucks. He pulled a bunch of bitch shit when we beat his ass the last time we played. He can get fucked.

  2. Mitcheeeey

    He’s a sook I don’t know why. I remember when he got ejected and skated down to shove the other goaltender who was standing there with his water bottle doing nothing😂

  3. Far-Two8659

    I’ll go back to liking the Blues the moment he’s gone.

  4. Yeah I usually like goalies even if I’m not a fan of their team, but I can’t stand Binnington

  5. DazedConfuzed420

    It was a crime against humanity when the ref didn’t let Fleury fight him

  6. Binners gonna win a Vezna this year and this subs gonna implode. 2019 Binner is back and he looked pretttty good against the Stars tonight

  7. He’s one of those guys who you love when he’s on your team but hate him when he’s not. Granted, he does cross the line sometimes.

    He was a monster for the Blues cup run. I’ll take his antics and the banner as opposed to a non playoff year or first round elimination. My guess is most fans would.

    I do think he is a head case, but most goalies are. The Blues have lacked some fire in areas the past couple years and I think he has felt like he’s the one to do it.

    Also, fuck that ref for not letting him and Flower go.

  8. Loose_Concentrate332

    Blatant interference on batherson, ended his season two years ago.

    There’s a list, guy’s a grade a douche

  9. bigfloppydonkeydng

    Dudes a straight up twat waffle.

  10. ExitTheHandbasket

    My team (Dallas) has some players with questionable antics. But Bennington is a little beyotch.

  11. If we existed in the 80s, Billy Smith would be up there for a lot of people… or at least my oilers fan dad.

  12. digitalcashking

    If I was Mcdavid I’d say Demko since Demmers literally puked in his face. (Word play here).

  13. Kitchen-Lie-7894

    As a Blues fan I love that he’s hated.

  14. JoelGoodsonP911

    Kings fan, here. I don’t hate him. He’s just so bizarre.

  15. Potential_Prior_6757

    Crazy how rent free Binner is in every Avs and Wild fan’s head lol

  16. laxcoach34

    Binnington is a POS and def is thee most hated goalie by far in any hockey league.

  17. OCMagikStick

    All goalies are stupid af. If you know. You know

  18. B0pp0-2nd-account

    Fuck Binnington. You can’t do that to the captain. He should be suspended 20 games for that

  19. junobeachcan

    Stanley cup champ tho 🤷🏻
    Can retire happy

  20. CDL112281

    He’s had a few weird blow-ups lately – challenging benches, etc

    But it’s at this point that I’d like to remind everyone that Jordan Binnington has won a Cup, as a starter too. So he’s a step ahead of many goalies

    Which is code for me admitting I don’t really care about his blowups.

  21. Mister024

    Any time I see him with his cage off I nearly giggle. I’ve never seen such a goof act so hard on the ice.

  22. Nick9161

    God forbid we have a player in the league who provides some unhinged entertainment. Never understood the hate for this guy.

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