@Oilers d'Edmonton

Nous sommes témoins de l’histoire de la LNH

#nhl #hockey #edmontonoilers À l’heure actuelle, les fans de hockey de la LNH sont témoins de l’histoire chaque fois qu’ils regardent le centre des Oilers d’Edmonton Connor McDavid jouer un match. Voici comment….


  1. Crazu how McDavid literally thought to himself : "Damn my shot is only great… I'm gonna train a bit to have the best one in the league."

  2. Ovi is amazing to watch because he is so good at his thing, but, like this vid said, McDavid is the complete package. The moment after McD has beaten the defender, and he is attacking the net, THAT is where McD is truly a freak. He can execute at such high speed, like nobody else can. That chip shot and phone booth tactical stick work with a defender chopping him at top speed is insanity. Sometimes he even changes direction a 3rd or 4th time after the goalie has already changed out of his jock and gone home. McDavid finishes. I have seen a lot of great players that just don't finish like he does. It's those impossible plays he actually executes that increases his aura, which draws me in that much closer when he's entering the zone. EK65 had a crazy long leash on San Jose last season, which was fun to watch, but nobody consistently subverts expectations like McDavid. I watch McDavid, thinking, "This guy could maybe score here…" when no other player would in that situation, which is why he is so great and I'm glad we have him in the league.

  3. 1st) they removed the lane…

    2nd) they don't check or hook like they used too..

    3rd) 2 line pass or high lobe pass completely changed the game in the center with the goalie rules too same with penalty and rules

    4th) equipment change especially with the skates and blades who allow that speed who wasn't possible before same with sticks

    I love McDavid and yes he's the best right now… but you can't deny some of the great of the past like Forsberg Sakic Jagr and many others who played during different rules, hits, hook etc McDavid would be dead in the 90's with that speed vs a Stevens etc but that being said some people are right and have a lot of credibility to say Crosby Mcdavid and Ovechkin could be among the best of all time if not better than Gretzky and Lemieux because of how modern the games is with better goalies better overall players and all that, you can't just compare with goalie letting goals in from the blue line in the 80's etc

    -my father played with Lafleur, with Orr friend and nearly entered the NHL was recruited with Boston in 1970 (not many teams back in the days) so I know my shit

    have a nice day

  4. You are forgetting about eras. McDavid has the benefit now of scoring in a higher scoring era.
    As he ages his numbers will go down. Its inevitable. He will be lucky to see what Crosby is at today.
    Crosby was at 1.42 at the same age in a lower scoring era. Their
    numbers in their first 500 games was almost the same.
    He will probably be over 1.3ppg 10 years from now. Which is impressive. More importantly he has zero cups where as the players mentioned had at least one at the same age.

  5. I'm a lifetime Edmontonian who doesn't like hockey and is starting to learn about mcdavid at age 31 in 2023. AMA

  6. As a Penguins fan, McDavid is the best player I’ve ever seen. McDavid is better than Crosby and wayyyy better than Ovechkin. And Crosby and Ovechkin are legends.

    Sucks that he gets a bad reputation because the Oilers organization fail him every year

  7. Even without a cup he is way above average ,no matter what.I never thought I would see such a raw talent after Crosby era

  8. Connor has an entire Team and System built around just him….and he is easy to stop…ask the Aves and LVK and now the Nucks and all who watched last years Playoff beatdown.

  9. We are watching when he went from superstar to a crybaby like crosby, his new nickname is mcbaby. 😂😂

  10. As a die hard pens fan its very hard to say this and I dont think a lot of people will agree with this until mcdavid is older but he is definitely better than crosby ever was. Obviously his defensive game isnt selke caliber but his explosiveness, vision, and highlight reel style is just better than sids plain and simple

  11. i know highlights are just that, highlights, but i swear to god some of these plays are just so far beyond anyone else its insane

  12. B. Orr was a D- Man. No comparison period….done! Next best….Crosby…no goons to protect him like the others and he just kept on getting better after all the physical abuse. Gretzky never got hit as much in his whole career as Crosby did in just one series !

  13. Damn that guy is pretty good but (yea there’s a but because I’m an Avs fan) only one player had over a point per game 5 on 5 last year and that player is named MacKinnon

  14. Good. Glad to be watching hockey again after the 'theme night' ban. It's been years. Thank you NHL, a step in the right direction.

  15. In that list of top 5 point per game players, 4 of them have multiple cups. Until McDavid gets at least 1, he'll always stand out as the odd one.

  16. Connor McDavid is like Megatron during the 2010s

    Doesn't matter what you do against him, he will dominate you and win games

  17. Connor Mcdavid needs to smash every historic leaderboard only so he can barely come close to winning the Stanley cup. Really tells you how good of a team the Oilers are

  18. I don't get it anymore. Oilers get blown out 8-1 and people still forcing the McDavid content. No he's not top 3 all time, he's not even the best currently. Other elite scorers have better all-around games including things like defense and physicality. Even just on offense there's multiple players that outscore him 5 on 5. You have guys like Makar on pace be the greatest offensive d-man EVER, while being the best defensively, and outperforms McDavid in every category in their matchups against each other including points. You're allowed to think McDavid is the best if you can back it up, but if you think he's easily the best and a top 5 player all time then you're a massive casual tbh. McDavid needs to improve his defense and physicality further, and find some intangibles like competitiveness, leadership, etc. that he severely lacks. Odds are McDavid just goes down as the greatest player to never win a cup

  19. Mcdavids puck handling skill while remaining always head up, and skating, and skating faster and better than anyone else. Absolute unreal.

  20. I've seen them all since 1965. McDavid is the best since Bobby Orr. Orr dominated all three Zones and his mind boggling Plus / Minus numbers will be impossible to replace Orr as the best ever. Imagine if you will- Orr had a CAREER season average of a plus/minus of +1 per game- EVERY GAME ! McDavid is fabulous. This is also the era of space aged skates, gloves & sticks, the 3 most important pieces of gear. Rest assured if Gretzky Lemeiux played today they would dominate. Orr today ? With those skates, nylon gloves and one piece composite Howitzer sticks ? Orr would be a human highlight reel every single night.

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