@Oilers d'Edmonton

BRUT | Dylan Holloway 13.10.23

Dylan s’adresse aux médias alors que l’équipe patinait vendredi en préparation pour les Canucks samedi.


  1. "I Know it's 7-1 game but just got to compete still." This is leadership… Dri, and McD, take a lesson… And Woody, this guy is a gamer… Keep him in the lineup. Talent + Heart, this boy is NHL Caliber…

  2. Better start scoring or you will find yourself in the same boat Jesse and Yammo ended up in, there is pressure to score now the Team needs depth scoring and you are that so do not think like a Framing Carpenter think like a Finishing Carpenter…still put in the hard work and sweat but make sure you show your polish and skillset thats why you made it this far and if you forget to use it people will forget you have it. You already know to keep your head(Ya got crushed) up and hands in(Ya got a Weevil bite) lol lol lol so its all upside from here on in , cant wait to see that Pirate Smile when it comes to visit soon….lol…lol…lol.

  3. Let’s go #55! This is your year. You know you are only going to get 12-14 mins a game so you have to make the best of it. Pop in a few goals but the main thing is don’t get scored on when you are on the ice. Make your way onto the PK at some point later on in the year.

  4. I’m surprised he did not get benched for having a strong game…….Woody seems not to like this player.

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