@Blue Jackets de Columbus

Rimer présente le match de ce soir entre les Blue Jackets et « vos Rangers de New York »

Rimer présente le match de ce soir entre les Blue Jackets et « vos Rangers de New York »



  1. Ancient_A

    This is why he’s retiring. He’s lost his mind.

  2. Big_Green_Piccolo

    Did he say it to Jody? Jody has played on NYR among other teams.

  3. Fabresque_

    He also said we scored when the puck was literally in play with no player/fan celebrating and no goal horn. I don’t hate him the way others do but let’s just say retirement is probably the right call.

  4. HereIGoAgain_1x10

    « Dammit, who typed a question mark on the TelePrompter? How many times do I have to tell you? Anything you type, Rimer will read! »

  5. tribucks

    He also yelled, “He scores!” when Tex put one up into the netting because the players pointed upward and he thought they were celebrating. He was the only guy in the building who thought that. Not Jody, not Tex, not the goal judge…nobody.

  6. DoubleDumpsterFire

    I’m glad I wasn’t the only one that caught that 😆

  7. DerDutchman1350

    Rimer for President – perfect fit for DC

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